So far, Sävsjö municipality has not been hit as hard by corona pandemic as many other municipalities in the county. Less than 20 cases found in covid-19 have been registered. But for preventive purposes, the municipality has trained employees so that they can jump in and help in the care if a crisis should arise.

"They will be a support to the regular staff if we get a pandemic outbreak in the future," says Caroline Yderman, head of social services.

Hundreds of volunteers

The interest in the education has been great, about a hundred volunteers have reported their interest and in the spring 27 of them have completed the education. Johanna Mattsson, who works everyday as a park worker within the municipality, is one of them.

- I hope I never have to move in, that it will never be the emergency situation. But at the same time, it feels great to be involved in any kind of preparedness should it be needed, says Johanna Mattsson.

In the clip you hear more about this.