
June 11, 2020 "What we are noticing in recent weeks is an increase in asymptomatics" in Puglia, with percentages even "over 90%" of cases. Professor Pierluigi Lopalco, epidemiologist of the University of Pisa at the head of the Apulian task force for the Coronavirus emergency, declares it to Ansa. The professor tries to give an explanation for this increase in asymptomatics compared to the first phase of the pandemic: "The virus - he claims - is currently circulating especially in the younger population, this is a reason".

Precisely because of the increase in asymptomatics, the task force has decided to increase the number of tampons: "We are doing many tests - continues Lopalco - today almost three thousand, although there are no active outbreaks. This is because we are trying to protect, in particular, hospitals, making tampons not only to health personnel but also to patients who enter for hospitalization ".