“We are the only charitable whistleblower organization that reported information every 7-10 days via a telephone hotline. All the trends that we found, based on the information provided by the staff, were correct. All the data received was confirmed, ”she said.

According to her, it was the nursing home employees who informed the organization that they were hosting guests with COVID-19.

“They were the first to identify problems in the field of information disclosure, the first to talk about what happened to people, and the first to express concern. Boris Johnson needs to follow our example and start listening to people at the forefront. Not to what the leaders or representatives of the elderly care industry say, but to what the employees of these institutions, who work at the forefront, say because they know what is happening. They described a completely different picture of what is happening, ”said the activist.

Chubb said that nursing homes received very little guidance - some decide for themselves what rules to follow.

“For the work with COVID-infected they are given special equipment. But for working with those who do not have an infection, they don’t provide any means of protection. And this, in my opinion, is an outrageous state of affairs, which points to a serious problem with regard to the order of operation of nursing homes and holding perpetrators accountable when something goes wrong, ”she said.

Earlier, according to The Times, activists talked about 23 cases of coronavirus in nursing homes, about which the management of the institutions deliberately did not inform the staff and relatives of the guests.