• Biden meets Floyd's family members. Dem on his knees for eight minutes and 46 seconds in Congress
  • African American killed by agents in Texas, new video released
  • George Floyd's funeral, the pictures
  • Case Floyd. Trump: "No cut to police funds." Still protest marches in many cities
  • Minneapolis police department reform. Biden from the Floyd family. Obama: fight against those who divide
  • Case Floyd. Police violence, cities react
  • Case Floyd, the charge for Chauvin is voluntary murder. Three more agents charged


June 10, 2020 The latest farewell to George Floyd does not stop America taking to the streets again against racism and calling for a police reform. Massive demonstrations are underway in major American cities to show that this time we must turn the page. In New York, thousands of people gathered on 42nd street. The scenes of the last few days are repeated in Washington and Los Angeles, with young men armed with masks protesting.

The last farewell to George Floyd
Tears and anger in Houston at the funeral of George Floyd, the African American killed by police in Minneapolis on May 25 who unleashed the worldwide mobilization against racism with the cry of "I can't breathe", "I can't breathe", the last words he said. He was buried in Pearland, a suburb of the Texan metropolis, close to the mother he invoked before he died. Hundreds of people greeted the funeral procession that was escorted by the police from The Fountain of Praise church to Memorial Gardens cemetery. In the last mile the coffin was transported by a horse-drawn carriage. About five hundred guests at the ceremony which took place in private form, after the funeral chamber on the eve open to the public.

Biden: "Now is the time for racial justice.
Former Vice President Joe Biden, who met family members two days ago in Houston, sent a video message." Now is the time for racial justice. It is the answer we have to give to our children when they ask us why. Only when justice is done for George Floyd will we truly be on the way to justice in America. And then, as you said Gianna, your father will have changed the world, "Biden said, referring to the 6-year-old daughter of the killed African American." We cannot turn our backs "on the problem of racism, and the" abuses must be reported systematics that still afflict "American society, remarked Donald Trump's democratic challenger for the White House. Then, still addressing little Gianna, she said:" I know you have many questions. No child should ask the questions that too many black children have had to ask for generations. Because? Why did Dad leave? "

Actor Jamie Fox, singer Ne-Yo
were also present at the funeral Actor Jamie Fox, Ne-Yo singer who sang" also attended the funeral "It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday ", and boxing champ Floyd Mayweather who decided to take on the costs of the ceremony. Among the guests, family members of other victims of police violence against African Americans such as Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Freddy Gray .

Reverend Sharapton: "it was not just a tragedy. It was a crime "
The golden coffin was brought to the church around 9 am and closed at 11.43 am when the celebration officially started. The reverend and civil rights activist Al Sharpton entered the funeral eulogy. in church followed by Floyd's family members while the choir sang "Broken but I'am Healed." Everyone was all dressed in white or black. "It wasn't just a tragedy. It was a crime, "said Sharpton, accusing Trump of not saying" even a word on George Floyd's ordeal. "" He first fired rubber and tear gas bullets at peaceful protesters - he reincarnated the Reverend - and then he took the Bible to walk to a church where it showed itself: wickedness comes first. "Sharpton, pledging to continue the fight against racism even" when the spotlight is turned off, "announced that the Floyd family will lead the march on Washington next August 28, the anniversary of the "I have a dream" speech delivered by Martin Luther King in 1963 from the Lincoln Memorial.

Floyd's granddaughter, Brooke Williams: "Enough hate crimes, please, enough! 
Heartfelt appeal from Floyd's granddaughter, Brooke Williams, during the funeral. "Enough hate crimes, please, enough! Because the system must be so bad and corrupt, we must do justice," cried the young woman in tears, stressing that none of the agents involved in her uncle's death showed remorse. Then, quoting Trump's slogan without mentioning it, he declaimed: "Someone said 'Make America Great Again', but when was America ever great?". Sylvester Turner, mayor of Houston, announced that June 9th will be 'George Perry Floyd's Day'. "We honor him not because he was perfect - he explained - we honor him today because with his last breath he allowed us to breathe".

Ceremony broadcast live
The whole of America followed the funeral ceremony on live TV and on social media, and for a few moments the anger gave way to the emotion for the last farewell to the 'good giant', Big Floyd as his friends affectionately called him. In the same church where the funeral home was held, the funeral was held in private form, from 11:00 (18:00 in Italy), streamed  on the church website  and  on the Facebook page

Mayor Houston proclaims "George Perry Floyd Day" June 9 Houston Mayor
Sylvester Turner proclaimed "George Perry Floyd Day" on June 9. "We honor him, not because he was perfect, but we honor him today because when he took his last breath, the rest of us can now breathe," said the mayor of the city during George Floyd's funeral, referring to the historic protests that broke out in the United States after the death of this 46-year-old African American. The mayor also sent a message to George Floyd's family: "I want to thank you on behalf of this city for asking for justice for George while asking the whole world to do it with respect and peace. On behalf of this city, I think we must much gratitude to this family ".

Protests around the world
Floyd's death sparked a protest movement in the United States as well as the rest of the world to call for a stop to racism. Among the guests at the funeral were also the families of other victims of racism and the violence of the agents: there are Michael Brown's father and Eric Garner's mother. 

More videos of violence on African Americans
Meanwhile, videos on the excessive use of force by the American police are multiplying, the last one dating back to March 28, 2019, this time in Austin, Texas, where a 40-year-old African American, Javier Ambler, he is suffocated during an arrest with the pressure of the knee on the neck, in an identical way to what happened with Floyd. After a chase Ambler gets out of the car unarmed and with his hands raised, but in blocking him the agents press on his neck, while the man feels himself begged several times "I can't breathe", just like George Floyd, like Eric Garner and many others. Eventually Ambler falls unconscious and dies before help arrives. 

As well as the images taken by a camera placed on the dashboard of a police car in New Jersey, they deliver the last moments of life of another young African American, Maurice Gordon, 28 years old, stopped by an agent for speeding. The boy is unarmed, but the situation soon degenerates and he is first attacked with the stinging spray, then riddled with shots, six bullets that kill him on the spot. The policeman was suspended pending the results of the investigation.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio has announced that one street in each of the districts of New York will be renamed 'Black Lives Matter', the slogan behind the protest movement born in the United States after the death of George Floyd. "The message that needs to be clear is that now this city, as well as the whole country, must feel deeply that Black Lives Matter," said de Blasio, adding that one of the places where the slogan will appear will be near the City. Hall.

In Washington , most of the temporary fences erected around Lafayette Square to keep protests against George Floyd's death away from the White House will be removed by today. The National Park Service announced this. However, some barriers will remain in damaged areas during demonstrations or where dangers still exist. Over the weekend, the demonstrators had transformed the new "wall" surrounding the White House into a memorial, dedicated to Floyd and the other African Americans victims of police violence, as well as to the Black Lives Matter movement: photos, portraits, signs with the slogans of the protest .