[Ju Young-Jin's News Briefing]

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■ Broadcast: SBS <Ju Young-jin's News Briefing> Mon~Fri (14:00~16:00)
■ Progress: Joo Young-jin Anchor
■ Talk: Jae-myung Lee Governor of Gyeonggi
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▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: I won't tell you long. Governor Lee Jae-myeong, and Young-joo Joo's news briefing studio. Welcome to.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Thank you.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Where was Governor Lee Jae-Myung during the June 87 conflict?

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: I was a judicial trainee at that time. At that time, I was a civil servant. Still, we worked hard together.

▷ Ju Young-jin/Anchor: At that time, weren't you at Seocho-dong if you were a judicial training center?

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Yes.

▷ Juyoungjin/Anchor: At that time, did you go to Seoul Station or something like that?

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: We mainly worked in the Namdaemun Police Station in front of Seoul Station and then in the back road of Midopa.

▷ Joo Young-Jin/Anchor: At the Judicial Research and Training Institute, I think there may have been such a guide as'if possible, the trainees should not participate in these protests'.

▶ Lee Jae-myeong/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: There were no public guidelines, and there were natural desires for the wishes or failures.

▷ Joo Young-Jin/Anchor: At that time in Seoul Station and Midopa, I was a first year university student, but I guess that Governor Lee Jae-myeong and I might have passed by again. At that time, a lot of people came out to the streets.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Yes.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: When you recall the 6.10 democracy today, 33 years old, what historical evaluation do you think Governor Lee Jae-myung should have?

▶ Lee Jae-myeong/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: It's been a long time, but there are still a lot of things that need to be corrected little by little in our society, so I hope that there will be more reforms and then more progress.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: The democracy we achieved after 33 years, we can't be satisfied here. What does that mean?

▶ Lee Jae-myeong/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: There has been a lot of progress, and I have seen it for a while, but it has almost disappeared because of the violation of human rights by the state powers and brutal killings, but it is true that many people are hoping for more progress.

▷ Juyoungjin/Anchor: More progress is needed. In what areas do you think there should be more progress?

▶ Lee Jae-myeong/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Compared to the present and now, the total amount of economics has increased, but inequality has intensified. I think it would be better if there were some fundamental changes in the lives and daily lives of our people.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Today President Moon Jae-in used the term “equality of equality, this equality economy” while being sustainable and emphasized it very much. I think I think it may be almost the same as the idea of ​​Governor Lee Jae-myeong.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: The equal economy that the President says is part of the fair society we usually speak of. There are many reasons why we are going through a recession and an economic crisis, but the biggest ones are wealth inequality, income inequality, and unfair competition. Extinction of consumption arising from it A fair economy because of the crisis here. For example, if fairness is secured that can be expressed as an equal economy, I think the economy can continue to grow and develop more.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor:'We are free to pursue profits at will, but we do not have the freedom to take others' share.' President Moon Jae-in just said this, but you are 100% sympathetic?

▶ Jae-myung Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Right. That's too natural. It's a good word, so it's ours, but there are aspects that are not realized in reality. For example, a relationship between a large company and a small business, a relationship between a company and work, or a relationship between economic power and the weak. These things aren't really equal enough, they're not fair.▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: The arrest warrant for Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Jae-Yong Lee was dismissed and the court judged it. So the prosecution couldn't explain the need to imprison. Nevertheless, there are a few people who criticize the court's dismissal of warrants.

▶ Lee Jae-myeong/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Isn't the principle of imprisonment judged in principle contrary to the principle of innocence estimation and the principle of arms equality? But so far, arrest in the investigation has actually had some effect on pre-punishment, and it's been practiced again and again. However, there must be criticism as to why it should change now, but why it changes through this opportunity, but at a long time, I think it's right to go through a judicial hearing and get the corresponding punishment if you are really guilty. I think the punishment should be clear and it is not a good idea to investigate too hard in advance.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Now, if the critics are not ordinary vice chairman Jae-Yong Lee, but the ordinary person, would the court judge it like that? I'm asking you a question because I think it might be related to the fair economy you mentioned earlier.

▶ Jae-myung Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: I agree with that. Why from here? However, it seems that the overall mood of the court is now going through a hearing and then, when the conviction is clear, the punishment corresponding to the sin is then decided. Anyway, no matter where you start, I think it's the right direction to fit the Constitutional Principles now.▷ Joo Young-Jin/Anchor: I woke up even during the presidential election three years ago, and after that, I sometimes saw it, but I'm not dying my hair now or not?

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: It's right not to do anything. I usually say that it's because I don't have time. Does not.

▷ Joo Young-Jin/Anchor: Even in the event of a Shinchonji incident related to Corona 19, I preached it to the viewers live in my memory as well, even in my memory. Corona19 The game so far has been the same as if I had commanded my situation.

▶ Lee Jae-myeong/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: There are some characteristics of infectious diseases. In particular, this Corona 19 features very fast propagation power. This is also a kind of disaster, and we usually describe it as a corona war. In response to this crisis, three factors are really important. First, it must be correct.

▷ Ju Young-jin/Anchor: Exactly.

▶ Jae-myung Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: We must be strong again.

▷ Ju-Jin Joo/Anchor: You have to be strong.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: And it must be fast.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Accurate, Strong, and Fast.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: So, we should be faster than Corona so that we can prevent and shrink in advance. But the most important thing is speed. Fast, fast for an hour, fast for a day. That's why I think we should respond as powerfully and as quickly as possible to the extent of our legal powers, and it is probably because of this idea that we, in Gyeonggi-do, actually do something that might seem like a leading move.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Did Governor Jae-Myung Lee decide on his own to take such steps? Or did you decide by discussing with my staff in Gyeonggi-do? It was very quick and very intense, so it was executed in Gyeonggi-do.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: The first thing I pay attention to is the site. The voices of our citizens in the field. For example, it could be a community captain, a proposal coming into my personal SNS, or a problem. In the end, we listen to the voices from the field quickly, discuss them quickly with our staffs, and discuss them with experts in the private sector as soon as possible, so that we can get some information as soon as possible and enforce it as strongly as possible. Of course I can't do it alone.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Many of you made an image of Governor Lee Jae-myeong, and Governor Lee Myung-jae made the most advanced claims anyway during the candlelight meeting, and even though he was leading in this regard, he was a bit aggressive. I think you've heard a lot again.

▶ Jae-myung Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: This is because I do a lot of things that ordinary politicians hesitate. But aren't the political administrators the workers who delegate authority from the people and do the work for them? So, for example, personal interests, group interests, for example, the most popular populist attacks in the case of me. I think it's important not to hesitate about these things and to really do not hesitate what the people want in the eyes of the people. So, I think that I'm noticing that I'm usually going to be attacked by populism. So, is it even deliberately trying to stand out? Even though this kind of suspicion is going to be bought, I think that, if I say it correctly, I did what the people wanted within the scope of authority.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: I think that Governor Lee Jae-myung is also reading and listening to media reports and other people's stories. Have you had any emergency disaster relief funds recently? In order to save the economy that was so difficult with Corona 19, despite the controversy, the government decided to pay 100% to all the people. This idea, the system like this emergency fund, was also led by Governor Lee. Is that correct?

▶ Lee Jae-myeong/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: I was actually planning since I was in Seongnam Mayor. I once thought that this kind of welfare support would go beyond the effect of supporting people who are difficult, and it would be good to have a duplicate effect now, which will help the economic development of our society. The thought still remains. So, in Seongnam City, we already had welfare expenditures in the form of local currency and enjoyed economic effects at the same time, so this time, we thought that it would be the most efficient if we had to apply in Gyeonggi-do or at the national level anyway. So I thought to create a virtuous cycle that pays in local currency and increases the sales of small business owners through it and induces production through it. So, it was part of what we were originally planning, so we have some pride that we demanded the government more quickly and took the lead and pulled out what was called the national payment.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Among these colleagues and my friends, I lived in Gyeonggi-do and lived in Gyeonggi-do at a certain time, and I received more than people living in Seoul and people living in other regions. Some people are envious of something like this. However, the question that is raised every time is how to raise the finances, and is not it a good idea to shake off a barn? Well, these kinds of points always follow.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Once the local government has no authority to increase taxes, for example. Now you only have the power to adjust your expenses with a fixed tax source. Of course, local bonds cannot be issued at will. I need government approval. I think you can think of the basic income or disaster support fund you paid this time as the first available in this section by adjusting the ranking among the available resources already collected. So I'm telling you that it's not a debt or a burden on the people or anything like that. Second, we need to always pay a small amount of money where it works best with limited resources. For example, right now, it is really economically difficult, so we need to have a policy that has a dual effect of increasing sales by paying in the form of local currency. The problem, however, was that the funds weren't there.

▷ Juyoungjin/Anchor: Right.

▶ Lee Jae-myeong/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: What to do then is to replace the sidewalk blocks, repackage the road, or build a public facility that is not very urgent. It has a much higher efficiency. In that respect, you don't have to worry about finances. But the central government is a little different.

▷ Juyoungjin/Anchor: Right.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Since the central government has the right to issue government bonds, it can be used to accelerate future resources, but you do not have to worry too much about it. It is a crisis. So it's not an everyday situation, and you shouldn't be in debt to spend more money in everyday situations. It's no good, but we can borrow it when we're in our daily lives and suddenly have a serious accident or a serious crisis. Then, can Korea really afford it or not? For example, other Western developed countries have already spent about 110% of the money they make in a year, according to the OECD average, already. This is the so-called government debt burden rate. However, Korea only borrows about 40% of the money it earns in a year, so even if it is borrowed a little more, there is no financial burden. But now, if you pay in volatile local currency, which is too big for an economic crisis and must be used to save disaster aid in the current state, the economic effect is several times, much more efficient than other financial expenditures. Let's say that.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Since Governor Lee Jae-myeong is coming out, I have a lot of questions to ask, but the time is passing fast. The idea of ​​basic income, now Democratic Party member Lee Nak-yeon is in the political arena, and the chairman of the future unification party, Kim Jong-in, needs to be actively reviewed for this purpose. I think I'm presenting it as an enemy, but please explain a little bit about this in detail, whether it's specific, whether it's a burden on national finance, or whether it's really not populism.

▶ Jae-Myung Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: The government's financial expenditure was originally aimed at coordinating the economy circulating through supply and demand. For example, if the supply capacity is insufficient, invest in the supply capacity to increase the supply capacity, and if the demand capacity is insufficient, support the demand capacity to support the two wheels called supply and the wheel called demand to balance well. It's the role of government. However, as of now, the global economy and the Korean economy, however, because of the so-called digital economy or technological revolution, production capacity is increasing tremendously, and jobs are structurally decreasing. If so, consumption capacity will gradually decrease. In this case, where to focus on the government's fiscal expenditures, you need to strengthen your consumption capacity so that these two wheels are balanced. However, there has been no special method to strengthen the consumption capacity or to smooth demand. Welfare expenditures, for example, have the effect of increasing consumption expenditures, but we do not spend them all. So, you can use some of the available resources you have right now to increase your spending. At this time, about 13 trillion won, which is only about 270,000 won per person, was paid in local currency and forced to use it. Now, aren't the traditional markets, alleys, and small and medium-sized merchants really increasing sales and boiling? But the problem is that it only lasts a month or two, only two or three months. Then, in the long run, some aspects of the country's financial expenditures increase personal consumption, but there are also aspects that increase individual income, but making a policy decision to increase overall consumption expenditures would make it much better. However, I tend to think that basic income is usually done to increase welfare in progressive camps. In fact, the starting point is that the existing welfare is too complicated and inefficient, so it can be much more efficient if you organize it and go in the direction of cash expenditure. It came from right-wing thinking.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: That's where the criticism of Governor Lee Jae-myeong comes from inside the Democratic Party.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: However, the continuous growth of the economy and the revitalization of the economy are really important tasks. There is no reason to avoid if there is a policy that has a welfare character and can simultaneously enjoy economic revitalization. The problem is, as of now, there is no public confidence in this. In the long run, I think it is necessary for a normal economic cycle to pay the basic income type even if it increases.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: It may not be easy to persuade the people in the area called symptoms.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Yes. But for example, like this. There are foods that are much cheaper and more nutritious than traditional foods, but I haven't tried them. There is a sense of distance. Then what do we do, then? You are presented with a taste.

▷ Juyoungjin/Anchor: Right.

▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: But I can't distribute the taste. But when you see it and agree, you finally pay your money and buy it. So right now, if you do a little bit of basic income in the form of local currency among existing available resources without any financial burden, and people go to the stage of sympathizing with'Oh, this is a really good system, I would prefer this even if I pay more taxes' I think that I can increase the basic income system into a welfare policy and an economic policy in earnest at that time. So, little by little, it wasn't served on one drink of rice, so it's not a policy that one tastes right and one policy is wrong. They all have their own pros and cons, but competition between policies is also necessary. So, instead of doing this, instead of doing it, you can do various things and then focus more on effective policies. So I don't think it would be too alternative to do this.

▷ Juyoungjin/Anchor: I see. On this basic income issue, I think that I should have a discussion once with the experts in the news briefing of Joo-Jin Jo and to understand the viewers. Let me give you two more questions, time is over. Basic Income If you present this idea and look at it, Governor Lee Jae-myeong has the desire and willingness to take responsibility for the administration of the Republic of Korea following Seongnam municipal administration and Gyeonggi-do. It's almost the same. Many people are thinking,'Is there any intention to challenge the next presidential election?' Please be honest.▶ Jae-myeong Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: I am a farmer now. It doesn't matter, for example, whether the farming tools are hominya, sputum or tractors. It's up to the owner to decide. Oh, I have to leave Homi over there. I have to leave the tractor over there. By the way, can't I leave it to a worker who farms it because I want to do it? If you do your best as originally given, the choice is now made by the owner. Rather, it keeps getting greedy, but it gets farther away. So, my acknowledgment of me is probably because of this evaluation,'I did things that I entrusted to, and I made a little progress, and my life changed a little bit.' What would you do if you think about it? I thought about it for a while before, and I am doing a huge after school.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: However, since I challenged the Democratic presidential election three years ago, I've probably asked many people this time, so I asked a question.

▶ Jae-myung Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: It is not forcibly.

▷ Juyoungjin/Anchor: I see. It wasn't forcibly, but I didn't say that I would not. I'll listen like this. But isn't there a variable here? The Supreme Court decision is on the way. In the first trial, innocence came out, but in the second trial, a fine equivalent to 3 million won was sentenced to a penalty. The Supreme Court sentence is being delayed a lot.

▶ Jae-myung Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: There may be many things to worry about. Well, since I'm the defendant who is being tried anyway, I have no choice but to wait. In fact, because I am a person, I have a heavy burden. Sometimes it affects things little by little, so I hope that it will be decided sooner or later. After all, it will be judged by the Supreme Court.

▷ Young-Jin Joo/Anchor: Yes, I understand. The most urgent issue related to Corona 19 will be Corona 19, so I will continue to lead the game well in the future, and after the Supreme Court ruling, I will take another chance to talk about it for a long time once. I heard you today.

▶ Jae-myung Lee/Governor of Gyeonggi-do: Thank you.

※ You can check the video for details.

(SBS New Media Department)