Crying poems and sad stories written by creative pens, inspired by what the globe lives through the Corona pandemic; But this is not all the creative scene, there are poetry, jokes, and cartoons, representing a satirical creativity made in the same bitter time.

However, the question remains about the interactions and the social context in which the joke and the satirical blink are made, or "Why do we make a joke?" Stronger than the question "Why laugh?" Even at a time when people are struggling to survive a pandemic, millions have been affected.

Satirical blink

The vocabulary describing laughter, sarcasm and humor is not completely consistent in their meanings, but there is a cross between many of what language people see, and Dr. Omar Muhammad Ali, head of the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts, University of Khartoum, answers the question of Al-Jazeera Net about the reason for making the joke, saying "with conscious motives sometimes, Not conscious at other times. "

And it turns out Dr. Ali continued, "In general, satire saturates some needs of the human being, especially those that are difficult to satisfy directly, as it enables the individual to express deprivation, healing, frustration, conflict, and injustice" and in this is a lot of what the individual and society experience in the time of Corona, which imposed a new reality and prohibited people Than they enjoyed it.

Based on an analysis by the Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud, he continued, "It could be a means of venting."

As for who does that? The answer may be evident in the tweet, or caricature, and perhaps it is itself the development of an old blink, but the joke is the answer is undoubtedly complicated. Sudanese journalist Mohamed Abdel Aziz sees in his interview with Al-Jazeera Net that "a joke like black propaganda has no known source, and at the same time it expresses the opinions of a group or a political current, and comes for the purpose of expression, or to criticize the reality through a cynical template."

On the fact that irony and jokes accompany our lives, its voice is louder with crises and the segments of its producers are active, although the situation in the crisis is more dire than usual, but the presence of laughter is clearer and clearer, and this is what the writer Abbas Mahmoud Al-Akkad observed in his book (Juha laughing laugh) when he said " The horror suddenly turns into laughter, an emergency of change and change, which alternates in the days of victory, defeat and resurrection, and the fall between the titans and the statesmen.

More than a smile

Al-Jazeera Net asked Walid Al-Tayeb, a researcher at the Institute of Social Studies at the Turkish University of Hagitepe, after the smile. He replied, "The blink or the satirical product in general reveals many things of the characteristics of society, the changes that are involved in it, and the interest of sociology in them is old. English thinker Earl Shaftesbury suggested that jokes be discussed seriously, because a good joke conveys some truth as he put it. Obviously, this is what knowledgeable creators do with their societal role.

But the superficial view of some recipients prevents them from fully perceiving the message in its entirety, and the Sudanese cartoonist, the wind Ambady, comments in his testimony to Al-Jazeera Net, saying, “Some people’ view of the art of caricatures does not include the content and meanings of the values ​​of the cartoon message from the values ​​and concepts. Only the funny, and not the thought-provoking, that is directed towards crafting a light-colored visual style, reflects the artist's simplified view of all the complex humanitarian issues. This shows a difference between abstract laughter and irony, and those who dealt with that Syrian academic Asif Derabi in his book "The Irony in the Poetry of Nadim Muhammad" He said, "Laughing is not the main purpose of ridicule. Rather, its primary purpose is to show the errors and mistakes of the individual and the society."

Corona, infection, stone

The irony in its handling of the epidemic went through stages starting from its first news in the countries that were the hotspots of the beginning until the region was plagued by, and people reached a curfew and domestic stone, and observers see that the first stage has become a lot of mockery and joking, and it has been surrounded by many negative features, because that is The citizen’s sense of danger in the Arab region was not strong, as some bullying cases have appeared towards the countries that started from the first waves of the epidemic in the form of jokes, songs and caricatures, in addition to bullying, other features that the cartoonist Ambady noticed regarding his field in his service to us, and adds “many works It came as a reflection of the image of the pandemic in people, including exaggeration and amplification, drawing a (Dracula) image and the pandemic turned into a state of (Corona Phobia) glorifying the virus with dwarfing the human mind, which made the artwork as another pandemic that needs criticism and correction. Ambady excludes those on the other side who dealt professionally and objectively, and avoided bullying and boring, while maintaining sarcasm. As for domestic stone, it gets the largest share of tender, poetry and comics.

If the majority is due to this being a major change in our daily life, then Dr. Walid Al-Tayyib looks at the stone from another angle in his continuous statement to Al-Jazeera Net, saying, "The family is the smallest social unit based on a husband, wife and children, and the struggle for power in this unit is taking place, so in Many jokes and caricatures highlight the wife's attempt to reduce the husband's dispute over her authority in the home (her private sphere) that he has shared with her, so she finds the husband mostly the target of what represents a targeting of power in her stereotype in the Arab world.

The Wind Ambady - The Gazette

- Mr. Ibrahim (@ wadalsayed1) August 3, 2016

Awareness mission

With the spread of the epidemic and the multiplicity of health precautions and new precautions that restricted life and kept the world out of the ordinary, the importance of raising awareness of the disease and its prevention and the necessity to follow health instructions has emerged.

Cynical creativity played an educational role in multiple templates that warn in a funny style. Some of them drew or praised a light song sung, and some of them drafted Arajez according to the way the scholars organized or simulated the texts, and a number of poems appeared (and most of them are in local dialects).

Eid your home over confinement

The stay in the courtyard is Mahmoud

When necessary, go out and be careful

Al-Zuwail is named after the thief

And (create your account) and beware of press

Or from crowds in crowds, "Coffed"

But such craftsmanship requires high professionalism and awareness of the role of the creator. In that, the cartoonist Ambady sees "The cartoonist knows how to reflect it art, sarcasm and beauty in people's minds, with his artistic sense and unique vision, and contrary to what people see in this universe. This is what the artist should be in the time of Corona ... He knows when and how to make from the idea The unrepeatable singular caricature is a viable treatment for the epidemic, politics, and smile. The perfume affirms this, and adds: “Blink is a medium of awareness that is easy to circulate, fast spreading, simple based on a common cultural heritage, and these are positives, but the negative is that the serious issue can turn into something not serious. A question is also being formed: Is the response to the information transmitted with the blink serious, unlike the means?

Sudanese writer Mohamed Abdel Aziz believes that politics has its implications for using humor (Al-Jazeera)

As some people shy away from the idea of ​​laughter, or smiling when it comes to illness, blink and cynical creativity remain a societal creative product subject to societal cultural norms for culture-based discourse and the common rule of receiving, which makes some of them automatically rejected, especially dealing with patients or the calamity in its origin.

Corona remains in control of the scene, which requires interaction with it, each in his own way, and this is normal from the perspective of psychology, as Dr. Omar sees in his testimony, saying, "There are stimuli or stimuli in the environment that the person responds to, and interact with them and the behavior appears. And Corona is the dominant phenomenon in the minds." And feelings for months on end, creating a response in earnest or humor. "

But Omar criticizes some of this product, especially the one who denies his existence, describing it as the predicate of collective messy behavior. Psychologists ’giving to interpretation and justification of sarcasm is ancient, and one of the most important people who dealt with this was Sigmund Freud in his book“ The Ego and Its ”with his assumptions about psychological strategies, and humor is a mature mechanism of psychological defenses“ is an expression of thoughts or feelings that are usually painfully nature in a jokingly manner. Give joy to others. "

Irony and joke remain in any place afflicted with self, culture and society, so the French philosopher Henri Bergson says in his books (Laughter) "There is nothing funny but what is humane, and joke is an attempt to conquer oppression and cheering silent."