Prices for condominiums fell in all metropolitan areas by between 1 percent and -3 percent. When it comes to villas, prices in Greater Stockholm were unchanged in May, while they increased by +1 percent in Greater Gothenburg and +2 percent in Stormalmö.

Just over 15,000 homes were sold in Sweden in May, 15 percent less than in May 2019. In Stockholm County, the number of losses was 25 percent for tenant-owner-occupied housing compared with the same period last year.

Per-Arne Sandegren, head of analysis at Swedish Real Estate Statistics, says that he is not surprised by the ongoing pandemic.

- I probably thought it would appear in April, but there we had the same volumes as the same month the year before. A number reduction in connection with the pandemic and the way of displaying apartments is a factor that affects. In some sense, you can say it was expected, but I probably thought we would see a number drop earlier.

"On the plus"

May is usually the most intense month for the housing market, but that was not the case now. Despite this, the corona pandemic has not affected the housing market very much yet, says Per-Arne Sandegren.

- If we look at the full-year figure, it is still at a plus. Housing rights in the inner city of Stockholm are 5 percent more expensive now than they were a year ago. So it takes some time before there are any big effects and so far there is no huge drama in this.