President Kimiaki Yamaguchi "Examination of the session during the session without extending the session, if necessary, during the closing session" 13:19, June 9

Regarding the current session of the Diet until 17th of next week, the President of the Komeito will close the session without extending it, and expressed the idea that an examination during the session should be conducted if necessary.

Yamaguchi representative press conference of the New Komeito, for now of the National Assembly is in session until next week 17 days, since the government submitted bill "pretty much the prospect of establishment stood, ending with the terms of the firm finish and second supplementary budget It should be."

On the other hand, it is the same as delegating a blank sheet to the government regarding the usage of reserve funds if it is not possible to conduct an examination during the closing period after the Diet has been closed. He showed the idea that a middle examination should be conducted.