Michel Fourniret - NO CREDIT

  • Lydie Logé, 29, disappeared in December 1993 in Saint-Christophe-le-Jajolet (Orne) when she had just done Christmas shopping.
  • Nearly thirty years later, several indications suggest that the killer Michel Fourniret could be at the origin of this disappearance.
  • The Court of Cassation decided on Tuesday to transfer the file to Paris for it to be heard by Judge Khéris, specialist in the files in which the ogre des Ardennes is involved.

She disappeared just after buying a Christmas tree. The gifts were still in the trunk of his car. Keys on contact. This December 18, 1993, in the small town of 250 souls of Saint-Christophe-le-Jajolet (Orne), no one saw Lydie Logé disappear. Almost thirty years later, the investigation could take a new turn. According to our information, the Court of Cassation decided on Tuesday to transfer the file from the court in Caen (Calvados), where he was being investigated, to Paris.

Quite simply to entrust it to the judge Sabine Khéris become, in a few years, the specialist of the cases on which hangs the shadow of Michel Fourniret. After obtaining a confession in the files of Joanna Parrish, Marie Angèle Domèce and, more recently, Estelle Mouzin, the magistrate has good reason to think that "the ogre of the Ardennes" is also behind the disappearance of Lydie Logé .

[Excluded @ 20Minutes] #Fourniret #Mouzin
"I urge you to treat me as guilty ..."
What Michel Fourniret released to judge Khéris about the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin ... https: // t. co / T6GgoB8BHN

- Vincent Vantighem (@vvantighem) January 23, 2020

"List of the three circles" of Fourniret's victims

The hypothesis does not date from today. In 2004, already, when Michel Fourniret was arrested, the investigators established what they called "the list of the three circles". In the first figure the young women whom Michel Fourniret admitted to having killed. In the second, the probable victims. And in the third, all the unexplained disappearances in which "the ogre" could be involved.

Lydie Logé is in the third circle. But it was not until 2019 that a link was formally established. At the time, the investigators decided to compare the DNA discovered on the numerous hair elements found in the van and in the killer's house. Correspondence is then established with Lydie Logé.

Her son was a forest worker in the Orne

Scratching, the police discover that the Orne is not a harmless department for Michel Fourniret. Like Francis Heaulme, nicknamed the "Backpacker of crime", Fourniret is also an "itinerant", according to a source familiar with the matter. Able, for example, to drive several hours between the Ardennes and the city of Guermantes (Seine-et-Marne) to "spot" Estelle Mouzin ...

And according to the prosecutor of Caen, "elements rightly suggest a path [of Michel Fourniret] in the Orne" at the time of the events. The serial killer could have gone there by going to the family of Monique Olivier, his wife, in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique). Or to go see his son Nicolas, a forest worker, a few years before he died in the sector, caught up in a wood chipper.

His face "tells him something"

But it was still Michel Fourniret himself who delivered the main clue. Questioned on this file by investigators from the Central Office for the Suppression of Violence against Persons (OCRVP) in November 2019, he refuses to lift the veil on the mystery but recognizes, when he is handed a photo of Lydie Logé, that the face of the 29-year-old brunette woman "tells him something" ...

"In Fourniret's mouth, this kind of sentence is almost an admission," analyzes a source close to the file. And he's not used to accusing himself of things he didn't do… ”It remains to be seen if he will have the capacity to say more. The 78-year-old host of Ensisheim prison (Haut-Rhin) today suffers from neurodegenerative disorders.

What to fear that he never admits the place where he deposited the body of the victim. Almost thirty years later, the family of Lydie Logé - a time suspected of being the cause of the disappearance - is waiting for that. Judge Sabine Khéris too. She should quickly summon Michel Fourniret to notify him of his indictment.


Is Michel Fourniret really able to answer the investigators' questions?


Disappearance of Estelle Mouzin: "I urge you to treat me as guilty", says Michel Fourniret

  • Picardy
  • Justice
  • Assize Court
  • Trial
  • Estelle Mouzin
  • Michel Fourniret