• Exclusive.The 8-M forensic report disarms Salvador Illa and Fernando Simón: "The hecatomb was coming"
  • 8-M. The Prosecutor's Office requests the file of the case where the Government delegate is accused
  • Investigation.The Government admits to the 8-M judge that it did not record the calls to call off protests
  • Case 8-M. They denounce the director general of the Civil Guard for prevarication for the dismissal of Colonel Pérez de los Cobos
  • Cause: Conclave at the Attorney General's Office at the highest level to establish a position on the 8-M demonstration

"The Government Delegation was aware of the danger that Covid-19 entailed for the health of Madrid residents and it was also aware of the information that had to be provided to the population for their self-protection through distancing measures The same measures that were offered to the workers of the organization I am not aware that this information and this knowledge was transferred to the people who requested authorization to demonstrate or to those who were going to ensure the smooth running of the demonstration on 8 March". This is how categorical the forensic expert attached to the Investigating Court Number 51 of Madrid is pronouncedin the report where he analyzes the repercussion that the Women's Day march had on the spread of coronavirus among the Spanish population.

In the 60-page report delivered to judge Carmen Rodríguez-Medel, advancing by EL MUNDO, the expert highlights that on February 28 the body led by the investigated José Manuel Franco, government delegate in Madrid, issued very clear instructions for protect their workers by asking them to carry out "non-pharmacological measures, hygiene and social distancing". "Such delicate and adequate care for their workers collides or is contradictory with having allowed massive meetings of people," emphasizes the doctor.

Likewise, the coroner relates how on February 27 there is a meeting in the Government Delegation with those responsible for the Administration - firefighters, SAMUR, Police - about the logistical devices of the 8-M march. "According to the general manifestation of the witnesses, at that meeting nothing was discussed regarding the epidemic in which the population was, nor about the possibility of establishing any preventive measure or about alerting or advising the conveners to transmit to the protesters about any risk of infection, "he adds.

Regarding the performance of the executive branch of the Executive in Madrid, the doctor adds that "if in this institution there is the power to suspend demonstrations - and I think so - he should have suspended the protests called and not have authorized new ones to give citizens the Same opportunity to preserve your health as much as your workers. "

The instructor of the case currently imputes the delegate of the Government in Madrid, José Manuel Franco, for a crime of administrative malfeasance . The judge will take a statement as an investigator this Wednesday. Both the Prosecutor's Office and the State Attorney's Office have requested the criminal proceedings be dismissed before the Provincial Court of Madrid. On the other hand, they must appear as witnesses this Wednesday in the courts of Plaza de Castilla (Madrid) the Secretary General of the Government delegation, Fernando Talavera; the head of the cabinet of the government delegate, Luis María Sanz; and to the director of the Citizen Security Unit, José Luis Correas Díaz.

The 8-M, "backdrop"

On the other hand, the forensic doctor maintains in his report that, during the management of the health crisis, "calls from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Center for the Prevention and Control of Diseases (ECDC) and when sporadic community outreach broke out, it was not acted diligently, with the manifestation of 8-M as the backdrop that could influence not canceling massive events, not only that but the act of the Vox the same day. "

Regarding the guidelines established by the ECDC, warning of the importance of maintaining social distancing and pointing out that the coronavirus was a "highly contagious" disease, the doctor Julio Lorenzo Rego indicates that in Spain "the standards set by the European body were not adopted "And that other countries" should have done so "and" perhaps that is why we hold the record of being one of the countries, if not the most, with the most victims, that is, deceased / sick per inhabitant. "

The expert maintains that, in his opinion, the health authority "should have prevented the mass demonstrations with the same zeal with which, with very good criteria, it prohibited the evangelical congress", referring to the holding of the Unlimited 2020 Congress in the Caja Mágica from Madrid, from the Evangelical Church, for which they expected the attendance of 8,000 people. According to the Civil Guard, both the Minister of Health Salvador Illa and the director of the Center for Coordination of Health Alerts (CCAES) Fernando Simón expressly asked to call the meeting of the evangelists on March 5.

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Madrid
  • Salvador Illa
  • March 8
  • Spain
  • Fernando Simón
  • Vox
  • Civil Guard
  • Coronavirus
  • International Women's Day

CoronavirusIlla and Simón, to the Evangelical Church three days before 8-M: "In no way can you hold congresses, we are in a pandemic"

CourtsThe 8-M forensic report disarms Salvador Illa and Fernando Simón: "The hecatomb was coming"

Courts The accusation asks the judge of the 8-M to charge Fernando Simón for "flagrant abandonment of duties"

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