• Online Pd direction. Gypsies: no contrast with Conte, I see no alternative to coalition


08 June 2020 The summit convened by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte with the heads of the delegation of the governing parties began late in the evening at Palazzo Chigi.

On the table, among other things, the definition of the General States of Economy, wanted by Conte. Just the announcement of the initiative, by the premier, in recent days had aroused the irritation of the Democratic Party, for not sharing on the project. Today, by the Secretary Dem Nicola Zingaretti, an opening has arrived on the States General, even if with some 'doubts'. "Attention - he said - at certain times, now Europe is asking us for rigor, a serious and adequate reconstruction plan, we cannot go wrong".

In the meeting tonight, therefore, we will talk about the articulation and timing of the General States, which Conte would already like this week, presumably from Thursday to Saturday.