Resume joint discussion with Ritsuminin and corporate citizens 13:35, June 8

In response to the cancellation of the emergency declaration, the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Party resumed confluence talks, and within this month, they will compile a charter and local organizations in the event of a merger, and based on that, the parties will discuss again. It was decided.

The Constitutional Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Party suspended the merger talks, saying that they would give the highest priority to the response to the new coronavirus, but resumed after the cancellation of the emergency declaration, and the secretary generals of both parties held the Diet on the 8th. We had a talk inside.

In this context, the two secretary-generals exchanged views over the party's platform when merged, the state of party members and local organizations, and the employment of staff, and agreed to complete a document as confirmation items this month.

Then, based on that, we will discuss again whether the two parties will join.

After that, both secretary-generals held a press conference, and Mr. Fukuyama of the Constitutional Democratic Party said, "It is important for the opposition parties to form a big lump and show the administration's receiving point while the approval rate of the Abe administration is declining." ..

In addition, Mr. Yoshida of the Social Democratic Party said, "I would like to notify the local organization of the confirmation items and discuss and decide on the response at an extraordinary party convention at the appropriate time."