U.S. Protest Demo Trump Posts "Instruction to withdraw National Guard" posted at 6:17 on June 8

President Trump of the United States posted on the 7th that he ordered Twitter to withdraw the National Guard who had been guarding Washington, the capital.

The largest protest in Washington was on the 6th, with approximately 5,000 National Guard mobilized to guard.

In a post, President Trump slammed the demonstrators, saying "the soldiers can get them back quickly if needed," while appealing the results as "everything is in perfect control. Last night's demonstrators were far less than expected."

President Trump has been willing to put in federal troops whose main task is to respond to foreign threats in order to end the series of turmoil.

In this regard, U.S. Attorney General Bars said US CBS television demanded to send 10,000 federal troops to Washington at a meeting inside the administration on the 1st of this month, according to a senior government official. Reported that he was against.

However, Secretary Barr appeared on CBS TV on the following day on the 7th, denying that the President had never called for the dispatch of federal troops. Everyone agreed that it was the last resort," he stressed that there were no disagreements within the regime.