
June 07, 2020 Donald Trump wanted the deployment of 10,000 troops on the streets of Washington and other American cities to put out protests. The president allegedly made the request at a meeting in the White House on Monday, but this would have been rejected by defense secretary Mark Esper and chief of staff of the American military, Mark Milley. Several American media reports, citing Pentagon sources. 

Esper eventually made available some 1,600 troops in the Washington region ready to support, if necessary, the 5,000 men of the national guard already mobilized. But on Thursday evening those 1,600 soldiers were called back. 

General Milley, during a very tense confrontation with Trump, would therefore have contested the legality of a possible Presidential decree to mobilize the troops and would have made a series of calls to congress to alert about Trump's requests, including a phone call to the speaker Nancy Pelosi and another to the leader of the Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer.