Jean-François Delfraissy calls in the columns of the JDD for a reduction in the sanitary measures currently in force at school. He judges that the protocol is too heavy vis-à-vis the risk of effective contamination in children and wants a return to normal for out-of-class times.

"Let people live" is the call of Professor Delfraissy in the columns of the Sunday Journal . The president of the Scientific Council, in charge of enlightening the government on the management of the coronavirus judges that it is now time to accelerate the deconfinement and to soften the health protocols, and in particular in the schools. He believes it is time for children to have fun, eat and play sports normally.

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Reduction of out-of-class health rules

Jean-François Delfraissy thus thinks that we can lighten the health protocol in educational establishments, but only for the time spent outside of classes: meals, recreation or sport for example. The distances and the barrier gestures would remain maintained in the classrooms.

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A flip-flop that may seem brutal and surprising on the part of the one who advocated the strictest compliance with these measures during confinement. However, this protocol for schools "was built at the end of April, according to the knowledge we had on the virus at the time," recalls Jean-François Delfraissy. However, we now know that children are less carriers of the virus than previously thought, and "that more often than not it is adults who infect them and not vice versa".

Relaxation planned for September

Lighten the constraints a little, before the end of the school year, it would be a good thing, judge Laurent Hoefman, president of the National Union of Schools. "Me, I would go even beyond. It should be lightened in every sense of the term, including in class time, to really return to normal as much as possible," he comments. "In any case, what we notice is that the children, as soon as they are outside of school, they have resumed habits of rubbing shoulders without necessarily maintaining the distance that is put in place. school. "


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Parents of students remain more measured. Rodrigo Arenas, president of the FCPE says he trusts the Scientific Council says but is waiting to see how the government would translate these new recommendations into reality. "What is certain is that the current protocol does not allow to welcome all children and we what we are asking is that all children can be welcomed because they all need to re-socialize" . However, for the moment the Scientific Council is mainly working on a reduction for the return to school in September.