We all strive to achieve happiness, so that most of us say that all that he wants for himself and his children and friends is to be happy, but sometimes it is difficult to define the concept of happiness.

In a report published by the American "Learning Mind" website, writer Becky Story said that the concept of happiness in one person may not necessarily coincide with the concept of happiness in another person, because there are different types of happiness, because it is only a comprehensive term for a group of positive feelings.

Some studies have shown that different types of happy feelings lead to different health benefits, and different types of happiness can be divided into three levels ranging from short-term superficial level, deep happiness, and long-term spiritual.

Surface happiness (instantaneous)

These types of happiness are short-lived, and happy feelings are derived from the pleasure that is mostly the result of the moment:

Parents' pride in helping their child with household chores or academic achievement in an instant happiness (networking sites)

1. Pride

Pride is a kind of short-term happiness that can be directed to yourself or to others, and this means feeling happy because you have achieved a goal, or for one of your loved ones to reach the goal that he wanted, and this happiness is a pride because it is not selfish as it comes as soon as you see others succeed.

This type of happiness differs in depth depending on the type of achievement and the amount of work it took to reach the goal, for example, one of the parents may be proud of the moment to help his child in household chores, and his pride may continue for a little longer if the child gets the degrees that he worked hard for.

2. Excitement

Excitement is a kind of happiness that comes by looking at something, and these feelings of happiness are directed toward the future, as people realize that the next will be good, so they feel happily proactively.

Excitement is usually a "busy" type of happiness, as it takes time, and often causes restlessness or a feeling of instability, and this enthusiasm is accompanied by impatience due to the fact that the exciting moment has not yet come, and despite the difficulty of being patient, our happiness is not affected by that. This excitement is a kind of energetic and enthusiastic happiness.

Feeling of joy overwhelms you with pleasure and pleasure, and is achieved when you do something you love, such as spending time with your loved ones (Getty Images)

3. Joy

Joy is a very simple kind of temporary happiness that we can all understand, in other words you feel joy when you see or do something you love, as you feel a sense of relief and pleasure, and this can be achieved by participating in an event, such as spending time with your loved ones or practicing a hobby Enjoy it.

4. Humor

Humor is one of the easiest types of happiness to achieve, and it is hard to deny the fact that laughter significantly enhances our mood, and even when we are unhappy humor can bring us a smile.

For this reason, movies, pictures or funny jokes can bring us short bursts of happiness no matter what we really feel, and as the saying goes: laughter is the best medicine.

Even when we are not happy, humor can bring us smile (Getty Images).

Happiness is medium level

The writer explained that this middle level is employed to answer the question "How are you?", And in fact these feelings are not transient but do not represent your entire life, when you answer that you are well, you are likely to feel one of these types of happiness, in addition to that it is based Types of average happiness are usually comparisons that can revolve around your past or the lives of others. This type includes:

1. Optimism

When you think that good things will happen to you then you feel optimism, which is a kind of happiness, and you may not have any evidence for that, but based on your past and your experiences, you are optimistic that the next is better, so optimism is a type of happiness that depends on the belief that The positivity will outweigh the negativity in the future.

2. Gratitude

Contrary to optimism, gratitude is the birth of the moment, and it is also an appreciative type of happiness. You will feel grateful for the things that have been bestowed on you in life, from material possessions to the people around you.

You may also feel grateful when comparing yourself to less fortunate people, where you feel happy just because you get what you want, while you know that others may not be so lucky.

You may feel grateful when comparing yourself to the less fortunate (Getty Images)

The highest levels of happiness

It is often difficult to explain, measure, or achieve deep types of happiness, as levels of this happiness are fixed, and are not affected by what happens in life, but not everyone is lucky enough to experience this type of happiness, which is more common in the elderly.

In order to know if you are experiencing such high levels of happiness, you have to ask some questions to yourself, such as: Do you miss anything in your life? Do you live the life you always dreamed of?

This type includes:

1. Love

Happiness stemming from love is one of the deepest types of happiness. Love comes in many forms and is not limited to emotional relationships. In other words, familial or platonic love is largely sufficient. When we feel love, we feel our value.

When you feel that you have achieved everything you want, it will give you a number of permanent positive feelings (networking sites).

2. Satisfaction

When you achieve the goals we hope for in life, we feel satisfied with what we have planned, and this kind of happiness is profound and can be spiritual.

And when you do not look for change, you will be grateful for what you have, and be proud of what you have achieved.

Generally speaking, happiness is not limited to one type, so whenever you feel happy - whether it is superficial, short-term or permanent type - stick to it.