Build a better form of globalization

  Special commentator/Wang Zhengxu

  Issued in the 950th issue of China News Weekly, 2020.6.08

  With the continued severe global situation brought about by the new crown epidemic, people's concerns about the so-called "de-globalization" trend have also surfaced.

  Beginning in the early 1980s, especially in the decades after the end of the Cold War, it was to some extent regarded as a period of "excessive globalization." This period is a period when capital, especially the capital of developed countries in the West, has gained huge profits in the process of globalization. For the working class in these countries, although they may benefit from cheap commodities in third world countries, they also face the harm of stagnation in wage growth and reduced employment. For farmers in many developing countries, globalization has had a huge impact on their lifestyles and living standards.

  Dissatisfaction with this excessive globalization has always existed. Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the world has already shown a trend of "de-globalization"-Trump's election and his "American first" policy are typical examples.

  In the future, we should indeed strive to correct the problems caused by the excessive global flow of capital and industrial production, but we need not be pessimistic about the general trend of globalization. Transnational interaction, cooperation, collaboration and integration existed as early as the birth of mankind. The pursuit of cross-cultural communication exists in human genes.

  Historically, it is the physical conditions at that time that have contributed to globalization. Before the invention of modern transportation technology, the exchange of goods, people and ideas must be realized by mules, camels and sailboats. Later, not only did mechanized and electrified means of transportation exist, but the invention of the telegraph and telephone also enabled the rapid spread of information around the world. Now that we have the Internet, we will soon upgrade to 5G and 6G.

  Therefore, we should now begin to build a better form of globalization. In order to meet the better globalization of the post-new crown era, we need to take action.

  First, efforts should be made to maintain trust in globalization and human unity. The prevention and control of the epidemic provides an excellent opportunity for countries to cooperate with each other, demonstrate unity, and establish strong connections. In particular, China and the United States should jointly fight the epidemic. Such mutual support and trust between the two countries will send an exciting signal to the world.

  Second, more reasonable development of globalization should be promoted. After the new crown epidemic, countries should pay more attention to their domestic construction, and they should also discuss how to limit the predatory nature of international capital. The underdeveloped countries should receive more protection and support from developed countries, and at the same time, they must strengthen the power of global agencies such as the United Nations, WTO, World Bank, etc. to coordinate efforts to establish a more equitable world order.

  Third, new opportunities can be found in the "small globalization" of the subregion. Geographically and culturally close countries can be more active in the construction of supranational communities. For example, China, Japan, and South Korea are very promising in this regard, as are ASEAN countries and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Pakistan recently proposed to build itself into a "bridge country" between East and West, linking East Asia, Central Asia, South Asia and the Middle East. This is a very imaginative and constructive concept.

  China's economy has also been hit by the epidemic, but our advantage is its large economy and high potential growth rate. In the next few years, we will increase investment in "soft infrastructure", greatly increase the supply of medical services, education and housing, and vigorously promote the construction of information infrastructure in 5G networks and Internet of Things. China's economic prospects are still very optimistic of.

  In this way, it is expected to create the world's largest middle class group in China, while also making China the world's largest consumer market, and other countries can also benefit from this huge market. If such a prospect is realized, then most of the world will no longer have to worry about the prospect of globalization.

  (Lu Jiajun also contributed to this article)

  "China News Weekly" No. 20, 2020

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