[Commentary] On June 5, Qiu Haibo, a member of the expert group of the National Health and Health Commission, a specialist in critical care medicine, and a professor at the Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University, who adhered to the 139-day anti-epidemic line, returned to Nanjing, Jiangsu.

  [Commentary] At 2 pm, everyone waited early at Nanjing Lukou Airport to greet the anti-epidemic warrior Qiu Haibo.

  [Same period] Qiu Haibo, a member of the expert group of the National Health and Health Commission, an expert in intensive care medicine, and a professor at the Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University

  After the battle of defense in Wuhan, and then the battle of defense in Heilongjiang and Jilin, I think these battles were played very beautifully. Although we started very hard, it was still a perfect ending.

  [Commentary] On January 19, Qiu Haibo received an order from the National Health Commission on his business trip and rushed to Wuhan to participate in epidemic prevention and treatment and guidance. Faced with the uncertainty of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, Qiu Haibo continued to explore new countermeasures in the practice of treatment, and successively participated in the formulation of the second to seventh editions of the "New Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program" issued by the National Health Commission. Formulated a treatment path for severe and critically ill patients. On April 24, after the severe cases of Wuhan's new coronary pneumonia were cleared, Qiu Haibo couldn't take a break and went to Heilongjiang to continue fighting. On the afternoon of May 13, Qiu Haibo rushed to Jilin again to guide the fight against the epidemic.

  [Same period] Qiu Haibo, a member of the expert group of the National Health and Health Commission, an expert in intensive care medicine, and a professor at the Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University  

  (In) Wuhan, the seventh edition of the "New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program" has been formed. During this process, the diagnosis and treatment program for patients has become more and more mature. So in Heilongjiang and Jilin, what we have to do more is (concern) how the input-related cases are different from those in Hubei. Under such a new feature, some less certain drugs are no longer used. Restorative plasma, which has a relatively certain antiviral effect, is used very fully and is more active in treatment. It really embodies the power of the country, the power of society and the support of the people, and it also reflects the medical and health team that can fight hard and fierce battles. Although the result is not easy, we see today's victory.

  [Explanation] Qiu Haibo also expressed positive views on building a strong public health system.

  [Same period] Qiu Haibo, a member of the expert group of the National Health and Health Commission, an expert in intensive care medicine, and a professor at the Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University

  This epidemic has taught us a class that pays a great price, so we (need) to further strengthen the public health system, which is actually a plan ahead (method), a measure that looks at the future, and I believe that such measures are We can deal with any outbreak in the future calmly.

  [Explanation] Qiu Haibo said that his 139 days of anti-epidemic experience made him feel more cherished. After returning to Nanjing, he will return to his work as soon as possible and continue to serve patients.

  Correspondent Cheng Shouqin Cui Yuyan Reporter Ge Yong Jiangsu Nanjing

Editor in charge: [Zhou Zhaojun]