
05 June 2020 "We are worried that there is still no clarity on the borders: we are of the idea that they should be opened. It is impermissible and incomprehensible that the Austrian brothers have rulers who row against while the first tourists are already arriving here. , it means that you have not even understood what it means to represent your own citizens. We are not the storytellers of Europe ". So the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia speaking during the usual press point.

"I call on the government to ensure that the borders are opened," stresses Zaia. "Maximum responsibility, but the borders must be opened. There is still no sign. It is inadmissible, incomprehensible that the Austrian brothers have rulers who row against. It means - he observes - that they have not even understood, in spite of the social contract and to Rosseau's ideas, what does it mean to represent one's own citizens. We are not the unitors of Europe - he reiterates -. We had the bad luck, but also the great merit, of having found Covid 19 in the name and on behalf of the rest of the Western world. Besides good health practices - Zaia remembers - we forgot when there was still no maintenance booklet for use for the Coronavirus emergency. Those who arrived after the Veneto - he notes - found themselves in the hands a story board of how to behave. We don't exist there combing dolls ".

"Today's bulletin reports only 6 more positive cases, with more than 13,000 swabs made, this means that the level of contagion is at 3 per thousand, thus confirming a downward trend and according to our mathematical model we will have the latest residual cases to be counted on the fingers of one hand in late June, "said Zaia. In Veneto then there are 1145 people in isolation to date, 80 fewer than yesterday, the patients hospitalized fell to 347, 96 fewer than yesterday, 20 in intensive care, of which only 2 Covid patients, while another 4 new deaths were recorded compared to yesterday, with a total of 1938.

Another step forward for Veneto towards the total reopening of its activities. President Luca Zaia today announced: "I am counting on being able to definitively close the consignment lot for the month of June with an intermediate phase approximately the 15th for the opening of cinemas and shows to be followed by the order for the restart of fairs , festivals and shows, but we reserve the right to see the evolution of the contagions between this weekend and the next. If we confirm today's data, this is the program ", he explained during the usual press point at the Civil Protection headquarters of Marghera.