Recently, Region Kalmar had a meeting with the Public Health Authority which presented a conceivable scenario when travel restrictions decrease and if fewer do not hold social distancing.

"It is a kind of worst-case scenario, if it is, it will put enormous strain on health care in Kalmar County," says Johan Rosenqvist, director of health and medical services.

Cancel your vacation

When the pressure was most severe in the county during the spring, some 40 patients with covid-19 were cared for in the hospitals. In the worst case scenario, it may be about the double, up to 80 hospitalized patients at the same time.

If it should happen during the summer, when many people are on holiday, the care will not be able to do so.

- Then we have to call in staff who have vacations and help from other regions.

The Kalmar region hopes that things will not go so far.

- With more testing, social distancing and if everyone follows the restrictions, we have a possibility that this worst-case scenario will not become reality, says Johan Rosenqvist.