WHO revises guidelines for “masks in areas where infection spreads” June 6 5:17

WHO = The World Health Organization has significantly revised the guideline on the use of masks related to the new coronavirus, which said that there is no basis to prevent infection even when worn by healthy people, and He suggested that governments should encourage people to wear masks when it is difficult to keep a distance.

WHO Executive Secretary Tedross announced at a regular press conference at his headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on the 5th that he updated the guidelines on the use of masks for the new coronavirus with new evidence.

In this, Tedros said, "If it is difficult to keep a distance from people in public transport or shops in the area where infection is widespread, governments of each country should recommend wearing a mask." We have significantly revised the guideline that even healthy people have no reason to prevent infection even if they wear general-purpose masks.

However, there is no specific explanation about what kind of place the "region where the infection is spreading" indicates, and it is the form of entrusting the decision to each country.

In addition, Tedros said, "We recommend that all people working at medical institutions in areas with widespread infections wear medical masks, even if they are not responding to patients with the new coronavirus." People over the age of 60 and people with underlying illnesses should wear medical masks if there is no distance between people in areas of widespread geological infection."

"The mask alone cannot protect you from the virus," Tedros said, and continued to call for it to be important to keep yourself clear and keep your hands clean.