In the United States, protests against racial discrimination are intensifying in commemoration of black man George Floyd, who died from police overpowering.

However, there was also a site where you could check empathy and solidarity regardless of occupation or race.

<Oh! Click> The third search term is'The Embracing Police and Protesters'.

This is a demonstration in Silverport, Louisiana, USA.

It was the white cop who held a black man crying with arms crossed.
The police said to the young man, "We are here for each other." "I feel your pain too."

However, not only here, but also the scenes of the police and citizens hugging are being captured in various places.

In New York, New York City Police Chief Terrence Monaghan has always embraced a black activist.
In addition, following the previous US police kneeling and expressing the spirit of solidarity, this time the State Defense Forces kneel and sympathize with protesters.

The netizens said, "The warmth of the police and the protesters... The nose is grim." They responded, "If something really changed this time with true mourning and peaceful protests..."