The second round is scheduled for June 28 - RAPHAEL BLOCH / SIPA

Alliances, mergers? In Nice, there will have been nothing of all that. The three qualifiers from the first round submitted their lists identically for the second, scheduled for June 28. Supported by LR, Christian Estrosi, in a very favorable position (47.62%) to keep his chair at the head of the fifth city of France, will be opposed to the candidate of RN Philippe Vardon (16.69%) and that of the environmental list Jean-Marc Governatori (11.30%).

It is with the latter that the left has for a time hoped for the return of a union list, impossible to set up in the first round. But the attempt to reconcile with Mireille Damiano (8.90%, ViVa!) And the socialist Patrick Allemand (6.57%, Nice at heart) has again ended up collapsing.

PS calls for white vote

A meeting was held on Thursday and each head of list seemed to agree on a merger which could have mechanically passed this enlarged left in front of the RN. But representatives of EELV ended up opposing it, regrets PS 06, which calls its voters "to vote white".

The ViVa list! for its part does not give instructions but indicates that "none of the lists present in the second round can claim" of the line it defended.

Same on the right, for the CNIP candidate Benoît Kandel, who came 4th in the first round (7.30%). He gave no instructions to vote and decided to distance himself from politics. "I think I have given enough and it is time that I take care of myself," says the former first assistant of Christian Estrosi.


A second round without surprises on the Côte d'Azur?


The campaign leaves for Nice for a month without contact but not with speckled foils

  • Philippe Vardon
  • Christian Estrosi
  • Elections
  • Municipal
  • Nice