Shortly after the collapse of the buildings on rue d'Aubagne, in Marseille, in November 2018. (archives) - Alain ROBERT / SIPA

According to information from La Marseillaise , the owners of apartments located rue d'Aubagne, very close to two buildings collapsed in November 2018 in Marseille, seized the administrative court.

These owners indeed challenge the decree which orders the “deconstruction in extreme urgency” of 69 and 71 of the rue d'Aubagne, which, according to the town hall of Marseille, in turn threaten to collapse. These owners fear that such a procedure would cause cascading demolitions. A summary hearing took place on Tuesday. The decision will be made at the end of the week.


Marseille: Two new buildings soon to be demolished rue d'Aubagne


Collapsed buildings in Marseille: "The town hall absolutely did not manage emotionally" the drama in the rue d'Aubagne

  • Marseille
  • Court
  • Collapsed buildings in Marseille