US fake account violence rises Twitter company freeze local media June 2 20:46

Local media reported that Twitter had frozen accounts of the violence as protests continued to spread over the death of a black man who was arrested by a white police officer in the United States.

According to multiple media in the United States, the frozen account was calling itself "Antifa", an organization that opposes fascism etc., but a Twitter company investigated, a white supremacist whose position is contrary to this organization It was a fake account created by us.

From this account, tweeted, "Tonight, comrades, we will move to a residential area." Twitter has banned fake accounts from CNN and others regarding the reason for the freeze. It is said that it violates the rules of the above and has violently acted.

President Trump posted on Twitter that he would categorize "Antifa" as a terrorist organization, arguing that extreme left and anarchists are radicalizing demonstrations, suggesting the possibility of taking strong steps in the future. ..