The General Union of Sudanese Journalists called for the immediate release of al-Tayeb Mustafa, a member of the union, and "one of the most prominent writers for journalists and publisher of a number of newspapers", and urged its members and all journalists to "confront the pandemic of oppression and corruption and terrorize journalists because of their opinions and writings."

In its statement, the Union condemned in the strongest terms "attempts to offend Professor El-Tayeb Mustafa with the unfair treatment that accompanied the conditions of his detention."

He also criticized procrastination and procrastination in the procedures related to the investigation with him, and an attempt to affix other charges through articles from the disputed law to disqualify him from being released by personal security, guarantee or guarantee.

The statement demanded the release of Mustafa "immediately and write off the statement he wrote in his confrontation in a farcical case that denotes the heinous exploitation of influence and harnesses the authority of a law that is ashamed of even the people of law and scholars of legislation in our country."

The federation warned that "such practices lead the country to an abysmal chasm of authoritarianism in the name of the law, and will generate unforeseen reactions if it is the law of the forest that prevails."

According to the statement, the violations and attacks on freedom of expression and freedom of the press in Sudan "increase every day, and the abhorrent daring continues to silence mouths and intimidate the people of the pen and journalists."

The statement said that Sudan is witnessing today "the worst and ugliest types of attacks on freedom of speech and the right of journalists and writers to express their opinions, present their ideas, express their positions and inform the public opinion of what is going on in public affairs."