Science for Children | Clearing Your Throat, Snoring, Constipation ... Does your baby have these "little problems"?

  "My baby is a little grunt, does this need to go to the hospital for examination?" "The child always blinks and clears his throat, what's going on?" "The child often can't pull it out, is there any good way?" ... you Does the baby have these "little problems"? Today is June 1st International Children's Day. In this issue, the pediatrician of the Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine answers questions for parents.

Be alert to the "little problems" of children blinking and clearing their throats

  Wu Liqun, Director of Pediatrics, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine: Children's repeated blinking and clearing of their throats are common problems encountered by parents. If the child blinks frequently and clears his throat, parents should pay attention to this "small problem", which may be an early signal of many diseases.

  Transient twitch disorder: The onset is more common in children aged 4 to 7 years old. Initially, it often manifests as twitching of eye and facial muscles, such as repeated blinking, frowning, clearing of throat, nose suction, shaking head, etc. Symptoms of tics often fluctuate and change. If these symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, you need to take your child to the hospital for early diagnosis and early intervention. Otherwise, tics may develop toward the neck, torso, or upper and lower limbs and become multiple tics. Some will also incorporate ADHD, learning difficulties, emotional disorders, etc., which affect children's learning, life and social activities to varying degrees.

  Trigger eyelashes: As eyelashes grow to the rear, it causes abnormal contact with the eyeball, causing foreign body sensation, blinking, fear of light, tearing, etc. Especially rubbing the cornea of ​​the dark eyeball, severe cases can also cause keratitis, which can affect vision.

  Dry eye syndrome: Eye disease with reduced tear secretion and dry eyes as the main symptom, often with itchy and foreign body sensations in both eyes. During the current long holidays, children use electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets for online classes or watching TV for a long time. Too many eyes are used, and the screen flashes. Children ’s eye blinking and rubbing due to dry eye syndrome have increased significantly, reminding parents note.

  Children's myopia: In recent years, the incidence of children's myopia has increased. It is related to strong light stimulation of electronic products such as TVs and mobile phones, excessive use of eyes, and watching things at close distances for a long time. Children's eyesight fatigue may also blink. Parents should regularly take their children to check their eyesight.

  Conjunctivitis: There are many causes of conjunctivitis. Children often have bacterial, viral or allergic conjunctivitis, which is manifested by frequent blinking, foreign body sensation in the eyes, increased eye drops, and fear of light tears.

  Upper airway cough syndrome: related to nose, pharynx, larynx, and tonsils, such as chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoid hypertrophy, etc., can all cough due to irritation of the throat, clear the throat, etc. symptom.

  When the child repeatedly blinks and clears his throat, he needs to take the child to the hospital for a clear diagnosis. Oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine and external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine can be used to treat children's tic disorders, children's myopia, and upper airway cough syndrome.

My family has a "Huluwa", what should parents do?

  Hao Hongwen, Chief Physician of Pediatrics, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine: If the child occasionally has snoring, it may be that the sleeping position is inappropriate. If you often hear this kind of snoring, you should take your child to see a doctor. What exactly is this matter about?

  Snoring is usually caused by a lesion in the nasopharynx that blocks the respiratory tract, such as: rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy, inflammation of the tonsils, and deviation of the nasal septum. Second, falling tongue roots and obesity are also the main causes of children snoring.

  Tonsils and adenoids are both lymphoid tissues. Adenoids are also called pharyngeal tonsils. They grow up gradually with age after birth. They proliferate at the age of 2-6 years, and gradually shrink after 10 years of age. If there are repeated respiratory tract infections, it will stimulate pathological hyperplasia of adenoids, causing symptoms of nasal obstruction, open mouth breathing, and snoring. In severe cases, apnea may occur. The disease often coexists with chronic tonsillitis and tonsil hypertrophy. Conversely, tonsil hypertrophy and adenoid hypertrophy are also likely to cause repeated respiratory infections, and the two are causal to each other, forming a vicious circle. Children's adenoid hypertrophy is mainly treated by medical treatment in the early stage, and it can be treated with integrated Chinese and Western medicine, or pure Chinese medicine. The treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is based on resolving phlegm, softening and loosening knots, and Xuantong nasal orifice. At the same time, it cooperates with physical conditioning to prevent repeated respiratory infections. Only when the conservative treatment is not effective, then choose surgical treatment and perform adenoidectomy.

Pediatric constipation is not a trivial matter, will these hazards occur?

  Hao Hongwen, Chief Physician of Pediatrics, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine: In daily clinics, parents often bring their children to see constipation. What is constipation? Constipation refers to the main complaint of difficulty in defecation. The following situations are all constipation:

  The time for bowel movements is prolonged, and the interval between bowel movements is more than 72 hours; the stool is dry, and the serious ones are like shit, that is, spherical; the bowel movement is laborious; and the stool is not dry, but it is difficult to discharge.

  So, what are the effects on health?

  The biggest pain in children with constipation is anal pain. Constipation can cause anal fissures, hemorrhoids, bleeding, painful bowel movements and other serious discomforts. Sometimes it can cause frequent urination and enuresis. Long-term constipation can also cause children to have a deep fear of bowel movements. Individual children of young age have difficulty in bowel movements. The painful process of making children cry when they are defecating and parents crying has a negative impact on their physiology and psychology.

How to maintain children's spleen and stomach in summer? Four ways to tell you

  Yin Yingmin, a pediatrician at the Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: When it comes to "summer", we think of "cold drink". It is very pleasant to eat an ice cream in the hot summer. It is more like to children. But the ice cream may be the culprit that hurt the spleen and stomach of the child. In ancient times, there was the health theory of "spring and summer nourishing yang", and the physiological characteristics of the child's "spleen is often insufficient", so the child's spleen and stomach should be taken care of in the summer. For the child's spleen and stomach, parents should do the following:

  First: quit "cool"

  In the spring and summer season, yang qi develops. At this time, it should conform to the trend of yang qi, and abstain from "cold" so as not to hurt the spleen yang. First of all, it is important not to overeat “cold” foods such as cold drinks and iced fruits. As the saying goes, "Cold starts from under the feet", barefoot walking on the tiled floor, the temperature of the air conditioner in summer is too low, these are easy to cause the abdomen and feet to feel cold.

  Second: eat "sweet"

  The food has "five flavors (sour, bitter, sweet, spicy, salty)", and the five flavors are combined with the five internal organs (liver, heart, spleen, lung, kidney), so the sweet taste into the spleen can fill the spleen, and the taste is sweeter, the child will compare like. In summer, parents can give their children appropriate sweet foods, such as apples, watermelons, loofah, red dates, millet, coix seed, taro, yam, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc., can be made into porridge, soup, dishes, juice, etc. However, it should also be noted that overeating sweet foods can easily hinder the spleen and stomach's luck, poor ventilator, bloating, and constipation. Don't eat too much or only eat sweet foods. You should also mix other foods with balanced nutrition.

  Third: more "moving"

  If the child is less active outdoors, and eats too much, too much food will stagnate the spleen and stomach, affecting the spleen and stomach's luck function, showing symptoms of anorexia, bloating, bad breath and constipation. In summer, outdoor sports should be added, such as 9-10 am, 4-5 pm can go to the park to exercise, walk, run, or play games. Exercise can enhance the function of the spleen and stomach and promote digestion.

  Fourth: move "hand"

  The summer clothes are thin, which is convenient for children to massage the children. At home, parents can give the child a simple massage to adjust the child's spleen and stomach. Parents can rub the belly with their hands after rubbing heat. If the child is usually weak in spleen and stomach, anorexia, and stool is thin, you can rub the belly counterclockwise; if the child has bad breath, bloating, and constipation, you can rub the belly clockwise. In addition, you can choose treatments such as tonifying the spleen and chiropractic, which can not only regulate the spleen and stomach, but also help the child improve appetite and smooth stool.

  Chinese medicine believes that the child's physical characteristics are "spleen is often inadequate." However, the spleen is yin, and the summer dampness and cold diet are most likely to damage the spleen and yang. Therefore, when summer comes, avoid eating cold food and being in a cold environment. Pay attention to protecting the yang and protect the child's delicate spleen and stomach.