Activists in Palestine and the rest of the world today launched an international electronic campaign to shed light on the racist crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians, by invoking the killing of an American policeman by a US policeman last week.

According to the Geneva Convention, firing at a medic is a war crime. Razan al-Najjar was assassinated by Israeli forces. Israel has committed war crimes and must be held accountable. #PalestinianLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter

- Janna Mahmoud (@ jannamahmoud3) June 1, 2020

The campaign was launched in the English language at 7 pm, occupied Jerusalem time, under two themes: "PalestinianLivesMatter" and "BlackLivesMatter", that is, "The life of the Palestinians is precious" and "The life of the blacks is precious."

Distinct movements. One struggle. #PalestinianLivesMatter # / vhaigBcmTQ

- Ruba (@ Ruba8514) June 1, 2020

These activists say that what happened to Floyd, of African descent, was repeated daily by the occupation soldiers who used to kill the Palestinians and physically abuse them in the streets, homes and prisons, as happened a few days ago with the young man with special needs Iyad Al-Hallaq, who was killed by the occupation soldiers at the gate of the tribes in Occupied Jerusalem, as they believed that he was carrying a gun, so that after his death it became clear that he was defenseless.

If you wanna fight against racism fight for everyone. # PalestinianLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter

- Shaimaa M (@shaimaaMtab) June 1, 2020

The electronic campaign was fielded by the "Twitter" website, where it published many tweets, pictures and video testimonies that reflect the aspects of the relationship between Floyd’s abuse at the hands of the policeman who put his foot on the neck of the American citizen to death, and what the occupation authorities practiced against the various groups of the Palestinian people Who killed, arrested, tortured, demolished homes and other brutal practices.