
Blue House held 7 secretary-class personnel today (31st). Former Executive Officer Tak Hyun-min is promoted to the next level and returns to the Blue House Medical Secretary. The new secretary of education is Park Kyung-mi, a former Democratic member of the Democratic Party, who goes straight to the Blue House immediately after the National Assembly.

Reporter Jung Kyung-yoon.

<Reporter> The

Blue House announced that the Planning Advisory Committee for President Hyun-Min Tak's event will return to the Blue House as the secretary of the Protocol.

I started working as a senior executive in the Blue House Medical Secretary's Office since the Moon Jae-in government launched, and after I quit in January last year, I got promoted and returned.

[Gangminseok / presidential spokesman: The by dedicated national late president of Main Events and Protocol expected to Corona 19 corresponding increased further enhance the country's gukgyeok after]

Tak new secretary sizeable events such as work in the presidential summit It became famous because it was planned, but it was criticized when it became known that it used female expressions in the past.

Some women's groups and justice parties have voiced criticism after the secretary's inauguration was announced.

Former Democratic Party member Park Kyung-mi is in charge of the new education secretary at the Blue House.

The new secretary, Park, ran for Seocho-eul in Seoul in the last general election and failed, but it is unusual for a failed lawmaker to move to the position of secretary of the Blue House just a month after the general election.

The Blue House explained that Secretary Park is an education expert who has served on the National Assembly's Board of Education for the past four years.

"I shouldn't have any gaps in government affairs, so I could work without recharging," said an official from the Blue House.

(Video coverage: Jo Jung-young, Video editing: Seung-hee Lee)