The lives of children have shifted from contrast to contrast during the past two months due to house segregation, from a daily routine and a schedule full of activities and meetings inside and outside the school to a monotonous life that has nothing new, no friends, or colleagues.

Samira says, "37 years old, and she is the mother of two children." My five-year-old daughter turned from an active child who does not stop talking about what she did in school to a girl who does not want to do anything, and if the decision is left to her, she will do nothing but lie on the sofa while she is Hold the remote control to watch TV.

Samira explained, "My daughter did not reach this situation suddenly, but gradually, at first, she was happy to solve her duties and send her to the teacher via the Internet, and she liked drawing and playing with her brides, now - and with all motivations - she does not want to continue what she was doing before."

Blogger Caroline Eastman says in her article, "How Do You Keep Your Son Busy During Home Isolation?" On Ventnews, the problem now is that there is no motivation for children to do something. In addition to moments of frustration and anxiety, this leads children to laziness and surrender.

Eastman warns that telling children that they have become lazy will not make them less lazy. In fact, you are only pushing them to resist you, it will become a reaction rather than taking the time to focus on motivating themselves.

"These are difficult times, and laziness steals everyone's time, makes children feel depressed and stagnant, and they should be kept busy with learning and doing activities that help to move time and make life more normal," said Chelsea writer Van der Merwe on Burns 24 موقع.

Parent-child writer Sherrill Butler is on the QDT website a number of steps to help solve this problem.

Have your child participate in simple tasks or fun activities (Getty Images)

Set an example

In order for your child not to be lazy, you must not be lazy in front of him. Whenever you have to choose between exercising or lying in front of the TV, choose the responsible activity, and explain the reasons and benefits of your decision, and he will learn this habit from you.

Regular sleep

A regular sleep schedule should be maintained even when distance education is forced. It is tempting for children not to go to sleep as early as usual and to stay in bed late, but this is incorrect, as opposed to staying in a healthy routine reduces the desire for laziness and increases productivity.

daily routine

Make the homework day routine more like normal day as possible, such as getting up early, eating breakfast, working on homework, eating lunch on time, doing some activities, and then taking a break in the evening.

Formal wear

Staying in pajamas makes the child feel lethargic, but wearing out going clothes in the morning makes a huge difference in behavior and motivation. Sleepwear indicates to the brain that this is a rest time, while formal clothes remind that it is time to start work.

Set realistic goals

Everyone had to adapt to the "Covid-19 أزمة" crisis, and this includes setting more realistic goals for our children in order not to become frustrated and failures due to the large number of work required of them, and this should not be compared to before the period of the homeless.

Set screen time limits

Not all screens at home should be available throughout the day with the availability of the Internet as well, as children become distracted, confused and sluggish in carrying out the tasks assigned to them, as well as continuing to do so lazes them in the end.

Screen usage hours should be determined daily (communication sites)

Playing sports

One way to make children more active is to exercise, because it increases energy and improves mood. Running can be done indoors or a video clip that provides exercises for children. Or do a family routine to do sports around or around the home.

Home Business

Have your child engage in simple tasks such as washing and cutting vegetables, etc., while preparing meals and serving them to the table.

Split big tasks

If your child is dealing with a big task, teach him how to simplify and divide it to ensure his work is completed successfully, on time.

Time frame for activities

Don't rush your child to get the job done, tell your child that he has "time until 6 pm to arrange his wardrobe". You can offer an in-kind or material reward for completing the work in the required time, then explain to him the importance of completing the assigned chores to earn the rewards.

Know that relapses are a normal thing and you have to give encouragement to simple things (Pixabay)

Stop judging him

Be aware that setbacks are natural and the only way to improve is to let them know what's happening and simply explain it. Also, be careful to provide encouragement for the simple things that he does and that you appreciate his whole effort and all that he does.