[Commentary] On May 24, local time, African American George Freud was arrested by the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. At that time, three policemen pressed him to the ground, and one of the white policemen pressed his neck with his knee for several minutes. Freud died afterwards. Before losing consciousness, his last sentence was "I can't breathe". This sentence became the slogan of protest in dozens of cities across the United States. Under the siege of angry protesters, the White House and Capitol Hill were "fallen" one after another. CNN African-American journalists were arrested as demonstrators during the demonstrations, and they were frequently smashed and burned.

  [Commentary] On the evening of the 28th, the local prosecutor said he had not decided whether to prosecute the policeman who caused Freud ’s death. After the news came out, the protesters outside the police station in the third district were emotional, some protesters threw fireworks at the police station, and the police shot back. CNN reporters were arrested by the police while broadcasting the protest live. At about 11 o'clock that night, the police evacuated, and then the protesters rushed into the police station, smashed them and set them on fire. Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz sent 500 members of the state ’s National Guard to Minneapolis and the capital city of St. Paul.

  [Commentary] On the 29th local time, a large number of protesters appeared in New York, USA. More than 1,000 New Yorkers participated in the demonstration in Foley Square in Manhattan, New York. Even more demonstrators stormed the White House and ignited the American flag outside the White House.

  [Commentary] The protest took place not only in New York and the local city of Apolis, but in Atlanta, the protesters climbed up the CNN headquarters building sign and held a slogan, and burned the American flag outside the CNN headquarters. During the demonstration, the police dispatched armored vehicles. The police held shields to block the demonstrators. Some demonstrators fled because of fear of the police launching tear gas.

  [Explanation] In Charlotte, North Carolina, hundreds of people also participated in the protest march, some police stations were attacked, and the police car glass was broken. The police department said that police threw tear gas at the protesters and many people were arrested.

  [Commentary] At present, the mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Jacob Frey, announced that the curfew will start at 8 o'clock on the 29th. The police involved were arrested on suspicion of third-degree murder and manslaughter.

  Editor Zeng Chen

Editor in charge: [Tao Guangxiong]