There is a significant risk of forest fires along the East Coast, Öland, Gotland, Småland.

The warning also applies in the area between Vänern and Vättern and up along the West Coast, says meteorologist Tomasdottir.

- It will be quite windy over the next few days and especially on Sunday, she says.

The wind can make the situation worse.

- If it starts to burn it spreads quickly. Partly it is very dry as it has not rained for a long time. Then a fire can be lit. But if a fire is lit it can be difficult to extinguish because it blows heavily in the eastern parts.

Grass fires

Meterologist Tomasdottir says that there is a risk of forest fires along the Norrland coast, but that the risk is not as great there.

"There is a risk of grass fire instead," she says.

SMHI has issued grass fire warning in twelve districts. Tomasdottir tells us that it was last year's grass that died during the winter.

- It has been snowing or been wet. Now it has dried and is dry as a nip. It's very ignition friendly, she says.

But she adds that grass fires are a minor problem than forest fires.

- Forest fires are very difficult to extinguish. A grass fire is usually very easy to extinguish. It could be a field. But blowing it can get to areas with houses where it gets very serious.

High pressure

Great caution should be exercised when firing outdoors.

That hot high pressure in anticipation. It is expected to last until the middle of next week, reports SVT Weather.