According to Region Skåne, it is due to covid-19 that the new digital tool Plattform24 was purchased and the purpose is to make Scanian care more accessible to patients.

The service itself, just as before, is called Skåne Primary Care, and is aimed at both adults and children with minor medical problems.

The patient should be able to contact the nurse or physician digitally via the health center's website or for assessment and possibly a prescription. If the patient needs to see a doctor or nurse, an appointment for a traditional visit to the patient's medical center is booked.

The management is pleased

The patient should be able to contact the nurse or physician digitally via the health center's website or for assessment and possibly a prescription. If the patient needs to see a doctor or nurse, an appointment for a traditional visit to the patient's medical center is booked.

"It is very gratifying that we can once again offer our patients digital visits during this troubled time and in the different situation we are in," said Sofia Ljung, head of administration for Primary Care in Skåne, in a press release on Friday.

SVT has requested contract length and contract value for the new purchase, which Region Skåne has promised to return to.

After the Care Express

Primary care online started already this autumn in Skåne, then with the digital tool Vårdexpressen, which was stopped after a short time. Region Skåne interrupted the collaboration with the company behind the Care Express after SVT News Skåne and Assignment's review questioned, among other things, the procurement that was the basis for the purchase of Care Express.

Primary care Skåne online in its new form with the new digital tool will open on June 16.

A major procurement of digital care is planned by Region Skåne, but it is still unclear when it will be implemented.