(Characters of the two associations) Commissioner Zhu Yongxin's Day: The "weight of life" of the delegates lies in Jianyan Zizheng

  China News Service, Beijing, May 23 Question: Member Zhu Yongxin's Day: The "weight of life" of the representative member lies in Jianyan Zizheng

  Author Wang Jiexian

  "When we mourn, remember our compatriots and pay tribute to our heroes, how do we define life?" Zhu Yongxin, member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Secretary-General of the CPPCC National Committee and full-time deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, wrote in the "Weight of Life" in the two sessions on May 22 Ask yourself.

  Zhu Yongxin's two congress notes have been serialized on the Internet for several days. From the story behind the proposal to the participation experience, the details of the two congresses are moved into the mobile phone screen in front of people every day.

  "Life is supreme." This is Zhu Yongxin's most impressive place after attending the National People's Congress meeting on the morning of the 22nd to listen to the government work report. He also wrote his feelings in his notes.

  This year ’s government work report pointed out that in the first quarter, the economy experienced negative growth and the order of production and life was hit, but life is paramount. This is a price that must be sustained and worth paying. The report continued, insisting on the supremacy of life, reforming the disease prevention and control system, improving the direct reporting and early warning system for infectious diseases, and insisting on timely and transparent release of epidemic information.

  In an interview with a reporter from China News Service, Zhu Yongxin said that Premier Li Keqiang mentioned "life is supreme" twice. The tone is plain and natural. This is so natural, its weight is more heavy, and it deeply touches and hits the hearts of everyone in the venue. Examining the shortcomings exposed in epidemic prevention and control is very specific and clear, reflecting the Chinese government's anxiety for the people and thinking of the people, and it reflects humanistic care.

  He also paid attention to the fact that the report specifically considered the post-epidemic education issues, emphasizing the orderly organization of education and teaching in primary and secondary schools and college entrance examinations, as well as helping private kindergartens to rescue themselves. After the epidemic, many kindergartens faced risks. The government work report clearly raised the issue of "helping private kindergartens rescue" in a timely manner.

  "Let children have a brighter future, and the country has a bright future." For many years, focusing on reading and caring about the education of the Chinese, Zhu Yongxin submitted 10 proposals to the conference this year, 5 of which are related to education informatization and Internet + education. .

  Submitting proposals is the main way for CPPCC members to perform their duties. Each proposal is a result of the work of the members' field research and expert discussions. In recent years, Zhu Yongxin has investigated hundreds of rural schools and found a number of problems in the construction of school libraries in rural primary and secondary schools, and then proposed to launch a national rural primary and secondary library construction project.

  Zhu Yongxin said that this time around the outbreak of new pneumonia, the world conducted an unprecedented large-scale Internet education experiment, and online education also experienced a real "big test." Whether it is hardware construction, resource integration, quality evaluation, and team literacy, education is clearly lagging behind existing technology and the requirements of the times.

  He believes that every new technology revolution will bring a revolutionary impact on education, and the new teaching method of online courses will bring a new teaching structure. The school in the future is no longer a traditional classroom. A more flexible, flexible, and diverse education system combining online and offline will improve the overall quality of people.

  At the same time, Zhu Yongxin also sees that contemporary teenagers are "indigenous people" in the Internet era. If they do not develop good Internet literacy, they may be caught by the Internet and lack learning ability and creativity.

  In the related proposal, Zhu Yongxin pointed out that qualified schools should be encouraged to set up related courses, families should take responsibility for minors ’online literacy education, and children ’s ability to independently improve online literacy should be cultivated through various means such as reading and movie appreciation. , And through exploring new digital technologies, to create a healthy and friendly network environment for minors.

  Talking about proposals and hot topics, Zhu Yongxin observed that this year's CPPCC meeting, members are more concerned about grasping the "six stability" and "six guarantees", how to prevent the socioeconomic "cliff-style" decline, and do well for more than 8.7 million university graduates Discussions about employment work and helping export-oriented companies reduce the impact of shocks are frequent inside and outside the venue.

  Listening to the report on the morning of the 22nd, presiding over the group ’s speech in the afternoon, and accepting three media interviews in the evening, Zhu Yongxin ’s notes showed that his two sessions were still busy on the day. Zhu Yongxin said that this meeting was held under a special background, and the duration of the meeting was correspondingly reduced, but the work of the CPPCC members did not shrink. The members believe that the "lite version" of the conference should also become the "essential version" of the conference.

  In Zhu Yongxin's notes, he answered the question: "For delegates, the weight of life lies in in-depth visits and investigations, analysis and thinking, and also in the duty of making unremitting words and advice, and popularizing relevant knowledge in their respective professional fields. It can be said that Research and thinking is where you are, and shouting and giving is what you are responsible for. "(End)