• Relaunch Decree, controversy over the exclusion of the 'red areas'
  • Iss, Brusaferro: red areas decrease, curve decreases in all regions
  • Conte visits the former red zones: "we cannot do more about the reopening"


May 22, 2020 An amendment for the red areas excluded from the relaunch dl is announced by the deputies Federico Conte (Leu), del Basso de Caro (Pd), De Filippo (Iv) and Stumpo (Leu).

 "The proposal is ready. - say the parliamentarians - The Municipalities that have been red zone all have equal dignity. Discrimination cannot be made. The first wording of the Decree must be restored, which in article 112 recognized all Italian municipalities declared as red zone for 30 days to access the allocation of funds for 200 million ".

Numerous protests had come against the decision to "correct" the map of the red areas for contagion from Covid.

The first had been the president of the Veneto region Luca Zaia who announced yesterday his intention to appeal against the rules contained in the Relaunch Decree concerning the funds for the "red areas", from which the areas of the region were excluded. According to Zaia "this decree will be thrown in the trash and will have to be rewritten, because in my opinion it is absolutely embarrassing".