• Mistrust: "The Senate does not approve", compact majority with Bonafede
  • Chamber approves the Covid decree, now passes to the Senate


May 21, 2020 The Senate room has given the final go-ahead to the Covid Decree which provides the legal framework for the Dpcm issued during the Coronavirus emergency. The text was approved with confidence with 155 votes in favor, 123 against and no abstention. The Chamber had approved it in recent days.

With the confidence given to the government also by the Senate Chamber, the definitive go-ahead was given to the Covid decree which indicates all the measures potentially applicable on the whole national territory or on part of it, to contain and contrast the health risks deriving from the 'epidemic. The measure, which was to be converted into law by May 24, was dismissed in the text already approved by the Chamber.

Among the changes approved by Montecitorio and confirmed by Palazzo Madama there is the green light to an amendment on the 'parliamentarization' of the Dpcm. In particular, the new provision commits the President of the Council or a Minister to illustrate "in advance to the Chambers the content of the measures to be taken, in order to take into account any addresses formulated by the same, where this is not possible, for reasons of urgency related to the nature of the measures to be taken, report to the Chambers within 15 days ".

The Decree governs regional containment interventions and introduces administrative sanctions from 400 to 3,000 euros for those who do not respect the restrictions imposed by the Dpcm, Regions and Municipalities, but clarify that these violations do not trigger penal measures. The law decree replaces, by repealing it, the discipline introduced with the first of the measures adopted to respond to the Covid-19 emergency, the Dl 6 of 23 February last.

In this way, in an act of primary rank, all the measures, the legislative instruments and the relative adoption modalities applicable to face the health emergency, including Dcm and local measures are defined. The implementation time limits are also defined (lasting no more than thirty days, which can be repeated and modified even several times until the end of the state of emergency, i.e. until 31 July 2020). The new regulatory act also regulates the urgent measures that can be adopted by the Regions in relation to specific aggravation situations.