• Recovery Fund, Conte: historic challenge, some EU countries do not understand it
  • Mistrust: "The Senate does not approve", compact majority with Bonafede
  • Conte: country starts again, don't let your guard down
  • Mattarella signs and issues Decree Law relaunch
  • Dl Relaunch, Gualtieri: "Decree declined, tonight in the Gazzetta"


May 21, 2020 Making Italy a more attractive place: Reforming civil, criminal and tax justice. Structurally reduce taxes. Make the Genova model the Italy model. No assets. Mes is a possibility. "And to the oppositions I propose a three-point pact." These are the points touched by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in an interview with Foglio. "There are many reform projects on which the opposition can offer its contribution. Starting from regulatory interventions to speed up the process times to end up with the wider simplification reform of the whole system," said Conte in the interview. With the relaunch decree, he added, "we have intervened significantly on some crucial sectors destined to leave an important legacy" referring "to the strengthening of the system and all healthcare workers" but above all "to investments in schools, universities and Research". Therefore "human capital, research and innovation will be the fundamental levers on which the country must purely be reborn".

Objectives for the Italy-system
There are many reasons why the Italy-system is "unattractive" for companies, says the Prime Minister, responding on the FCA case. So a first objective is "to introduce some changes to company law to favor the capitalization of companies and to introduce leaner and more effective governance models, without compressing the rights of minorities" says Conte, who already wants to implement the changes in the next decree law on simplifications .
A second objective is to "make the justice system more effective" by speeding up the civil, criminal and tax times. Third objective, "to create a fiscal regulatory framework at European level to ban tax dumping" in the EU. So, says the premier, "Today, in the context of global competition, the greatest fear, as the sociologist Ulrich Beck points out, is not being able to attract foreign capital and investors".   

On justice, the Prime Minister says that every reform project "must guarantee the autonomy of the judiciary and the independence of politics" but as regards the separation of careers "this already exists" and something more "can be done on the distinction of functions ".

"The real game is being played on the Recovery Fund"
On the Mes issue, the Prime Minister takes the opportunity to clarify that "I have never declared or thought that Italy will be able to use the Mes after France" and this "is a tool born from outcome of very different crises compared to what we are experiencing ". And if anything, it is on the Recovery fund that "the real game is being played for the revitalization of our economy", especially if "the conditions should relate to the fall in public debt would be acceptable for our government", a goal of the debt / pilo ratio " to be reached, however, gradually "underlines the Prime Minister.   

Relaunch Decree and the Genova
Lockdown model , what are Italy's strengths and what are the measures after the quarantine? Conte asks citizens "not to let down their guard" and to "always respect distances, rules, precautions to avoid frustrating the efforts made". As for the strengths in the relaunch decree "there are 3 billion to strengthen the health system" says Conte who also rattles off the data of the things done since the beginning of the crisis, including also "the resolution signed by 140 countries, including China" which has the merit "of recognizing the need to clearly identify the errors made" with respect to the virus "so as not to repeat them in the future". Then Conte also tackles the issue of the country's deburocratization which he defines as "the mother of all reforms, the only one capable of relaunching competitiveness and increasing productivity".     

Finally, as for the "Genoa model, Conte says he believes that" the time has come to rename it the Italy model ". It must be completed by orienting our training model" towards a system based on a continuous process of learning knowledge and skills to building a fairer, more supportive, greener country ", concludes Prime Minister Conte.