“WHO Shows Leadership in Taiwan's Participation” Foreign Minister May 14 14:34

WHO = Foreign Minister Mogi said, "It's a real shame" that Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization's annual meeting was not acknowledged in China's opposition, and the WHO Secretariat is aiming for Taiwan's participation. He showed the idea that leadership should be exercised independently.

The United States and Japan have expressed their support for the participation of the observer in the annual general meeting that Taiwan, which is not a member of WHO, has been aiming for, but it was not approved as China strongly opposed it.

On this, Foreign Minister Mogi told the Foreign House of Representatives, “It's a pity that Taiwan could not participate. Information on the new coronavirus, including areas that have achieved public health outcomes such as Taiwan. It is important that knowledge is widely shared. "

In addition, regarding the fact that the WHO states that "membership will be decided by the member states", Minister Mogi said, "WHO's secretariat may take a more proactive role in exercising leadership. I think that WHO should take the initiative to show Taiwan's participation in the general meeting in the future.