According to "Les Echos", the government plans to add more than 130 billion debt to the "hole of the Safely", whose repayment would be postponed from 2024 to 2033 because of the coronavirus and its budgetary consequences

The government plans to add more than 130 billion debt to the "hole of the Safely", the repayment of which would be postponed from 2024 to 2033 because of the coronavirus and its budgetary consequences, according to Les Echos to be published on Wednesday.

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Social security funds meet on May 25

The daily claims that a bill providing for "massive defeasance of social debt" must be sent "very soon to the social partners". Several sources have reported to AFP in recent days of an imminent convocation of the boards of directors of social security funds (Acoss, Cnaf, Cnam, Cnav) for a referral "urgently" to a text of organic law. First scheduled for Wednesday, these proceedings were postponed to Monday, May 25.


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Debt transfer

According to Les Echos , the government intends to transfer the liabilities of the Central Agency for Social Security Organizations (Acoss) to the Social Debt Amortization Fund (Cades), that is, the 31 billion accumulated at the end of 2019, to which would be added " at least 92 billion for 2020, 2021, 2022 "as well as the 10 billion debt of hospitals whose recovery had been announced in November. The executive had mentioned this transfer of debt at the end of March, noting the drift of the social accounts, torn between new expenses (masks, hospitals, work stoppages) and evaporated revenues (deferrals of contributions, drop in activity).

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Towards a record Social Security deficit

To ensure the payment of care, allowances and pensions, the borrowing ceiling of Acoss, which manages the cash of the Social Security, was raised twice, to 70 then 95 billion euros. The deficit of the Social Security should pulverize all records this year: on April 22, the Minister of Public Accounts, Gérald Darmanin, mentioned the abysmal amount of 41 billion euros. A second bill should be presented at the same time, according to Les Echos, in order to increase the funding of dependency: from 2024, 2 billion euros of CSG would be redirected from Cades for this purpose.

This sum representing only a part of the needs, evaluated at more than 6 billion by this deadline, "a social negotiation should be opened this year to find other resources", adds the daily.