Fredrik Fredriksson believes that his strategy will reduce the contradictions between tourists and residents who are afraid that care will be overloaded.

But with only tourists from Kalmar County, many companies in Öland would have a tough summer.

Tourism is important for Borgholm

- It would be devastating for our municipality, while life and health naturally always go first, says Ilko Corkovic (S), who is the chairman of the municipal council in Borgholm municipality, where Fredrik Fredriksson's campsite is.

According to a report from the consulting company WSP, Borgholm is the municipality in the country that has the highest proportion of employees in the hotel and restaurant industry after the year. At the same time, they have the oldest population, where 30 percent are part of the risk group. An equation that is not quite easy to get together. Fredrik Fredriksson thinks that by only welcoming guests from Kalmar County, he still gets together the conflicting interests reasonably well.

Want Öland to be marketed

- Of course we will make a financial loss, but there are degrees in hell. If you see those who are at IVA and are fighting for their lives in a respirator then the money doesn't matter, says Fredrik Fredriksson.

He wants Borgholm Municipality to invest in getting as many people as possible from those living in Kalmar County to choose Öland this summer. Because as the rules now seem, they may as well choose to go one or two hours in another direction.

- I think the most logical thing is that they come from the county so that we burden the health care with the patients for whom the care here has a preparedness, says Fredrik Fredriksson.