• Phase 2, Private kindergartens committee: "10 thousand forgotten childcare facilities"


May 18, 2020 Lessons suspended on May 19 and 20 for parity. In a note, the National Presidencies of the USMI (Union of Major Superiors of Italy) and of the CISM (Italian Conference of Major Superiors), announce the initiative manifesting "all the discomfort and difficulty that Catholic public schools in the face of the effort of so many families to pay tuition, to the debt of so many Institutes that are no longer able to pay the salaries of teachers and administrative staff Now it's up to politics - reads the press release - but we want and we can support it. a symbolic gesture that makes noise and involves many other citizens, beyond all sides, because those who love school know well that this is transversal to everything ". The national presidencies of USMI and CISM, "taking into high consideration all the trade associations and accepting the appeal of families, teachers, students and the whole Catholic association sector, of Christian inspiration (managers, Agidae-Fidae -Fism-Cdo educational works, Confap-Cnos School; parents Agesc-Faes-Age-Forum Families, and of the numerous representative realities also of the teachers), Lay (Aninsei-Filins), promote a symbolic gesture in the hope that it will be supported by all, representing the 12,000 peer schools, the 900,000 pupils involved, the 180,000 employees ". Because, Usmi and Cism explain, "if two days of responsible strike and alternative teaching can create discomfort, this represents only a hint of the disaster of a service that could only partially resume in September. We propose that on May 19 and 20, days which see the voting of the amendments begin: our schools will stop lessons and for these two days pupils, teachers and families will exhibit a # We are invisible for this government; each peer school will work with lessons, videos, direct Fb from the school pages which will be open to all to spread the themes of freedom of educational choice; the right to learn without discrimination; school equality between state and equal public; free school in a free state; appeals to the political class to not condemn cultural pluralism to euthanasia of our country. Each of our schools, with the involvement of families, showers nti, students will organize the events they want: conferences, direct, drawings, flash mobs, all live on social networks to make that constructive and responsible noise that only the school can do; we will share the various direct and initiatives on the individual social pages and sites of the schools as on the USMI Fb page. "An" educational noise ", the one that will be used in the Usmi and Cism integrations," which starts from our schools but which involves the parents of the 900 thousand pupils of the peer schools, the 7 Mln of pupils of the state schools, the teachers, the staff of the Italian school, the friends, the citizens making our appeal the President of the Republic: each of us can and must make the own part for the liberation of Italy today. A constructive noise, which obliges our parliamentarians, who will be engaged in the discussion of the amendments in the parliamentary room, not to leave anyone behind because either Italy starts from school, from this womb where children enter and leave citizens of a State democratic, or will not leave. The school must make noise again, because it is the largest enterprise in a democratic country, the best investment in the future, the most effective grammar of any cultural integration ".