It was a private person who alerted police in the morning after finding a suspicious object. When police arrive at the scene, they make the same assessment.

"They thought it might be something explosive, and then they took help from the national bomb shelter," says Jonas Eronen, spokesman for the Mittens police department.

What did the item look like?

- I have no such details, says Jonas Eronen.

The object was secured and the police dog searched the site. Jonas Eronen has no information on whether the item turned out to be dangerous or harmless. The object will now be examined by technicians.

No property was needed to be vacated when the object was found and the police operation has been completed. There is no information about the item found outdoors or indoors.

A preliminary investigation into serious illegal threats has been initiated.

- It has been in such a way that there is reason to assume that it would be directed to a specific dwelling.

What is happening in the investigation now?

- Now you have to hold supplementary hearings, to see what there may be background to this, says Jonas Eronen.

There is currently no suspect.