
May 18, 2020 Anec took note on Sunday evening of the annexed protocol to the Dpcm on reopening and "in these conditions the measures for cinemas are inadmissible. They prefigure an economic and operational unsustainability that can undermine the restart of the sector". Mario Lorini, the president of the National Association of Cinema Operators, says this to Ansa. From today "we will urgently request a comparison for opportune and necessary revisions".

Like Anec "we accepted the date for the re-start placed on 15 June, but in light of all the most recent solutions identified for other categories, those that concern us are inexplicably penalizing and also constitute an image as well as economic problem for the sector in its path of restart ", underlines Lorini.

"It seems misleading to accept that the hall is identified as the most dangerous place of all the others characterized by sociability and aggregation. There is the risk of giving a wrong impression to public opinion and we cannot accept it", given that the cinema sector "he has always been very attentive to security measures".

Among the various possible measures for the reopening, the exhibitors had asked for the distancing not 'per person' but 'of the group', to allow small families or couples to sit next to each other in the hall "and we had had ample guarantees on this, but the measure is not there. I wonder why, given that the world has changed in a few days and we are also thinking about when to reopen the borders ". However, it is overall that the document seems "backdated". Basically "it follows what was leaked a few days ago". Under these conditions "the industry cannot restart. There is a variety of small, medium and large structures and the costs they should face".

On the part of the exhibitors there is "great disappointment. Although the dialogue is certainly not closed. I hope that there will be a return to confrontation at most".