A municipal employee in charge of the school canteen tested positive in Sorges-et-Ligueux, in Dordogne. Alerted, the Agence Régionale de Santé de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, a region in green on the epidemic map, should trace contact cases and initiate a series of screenings. 

The town hall of Sorges-et-Ligueux, in Dordogne, postponed the resumption of lessons scheduled for next week in his school after the confirmation of a case of Covid-19 among the staff of the establishment, we learned Saturday.

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An employee in charge of the school canteen

The municipal employee in charge of the school canteen tested positive for coronavirus Friday, after a first test carried out in the week of May 4 which had turned out to be negative, the municipality told an AFP correspondent. She has had symptoms since the end of April. Mobilized during confinement, particularly for the care of the caregivers' children, the school canteen employee has not been in contact with students and colleagues since April 24. On sick leave since May 1, she is isolated at home.

Alerted, the Agence Régionale de Santé de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, a region in green on the epidemic map, should trace contact cases and initiate a series of screenings. Pending the recommendations of the health authority, the mayor Jean-Jacques Ratier preferred to postpone the reopening of the school which was to receive 72 students (out of 122 enrolled) Monday May 18 and Tuesday May 19.


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"We can't take the risk"

"We are not worried because this employee has not been in contact with anyone since the onset of the first symptoms, but we cannot take the risk that a staff member or a student is sick and contaminates all others ", assured the elected official on France Bleu Périgord radio. The school will therefore remain closed until all measures to guarantee the safety of students and staff are taken, according to the mayor.