In an interview with the German newspaper Le Monde, the Federal Minister of Health said recently that it was not easy to purchase masks in the initial stage of the epidemic. The situation has greatly improved and a large number of masks have been ordered. He said that the Doctors Association and the states would now say to him, "The warehouse is full, so suspend shipment."

  In the early stage of the epidemic prevention, Shi Pan did not actively purchase masks, but declared that the masks were useless, which caused a large number of front-line medical staff to lack protective equipment such as masks, and was widely criticized by the society. Talking about controversial protective and restrictive measures aimed at curbing the spread of the virus, Minister Shi Pan acknowledged that, in hindsight, indeed not all decisions were correct, but these decisions were made on the basis of knowledge and conscience at the time. Related measures are currently being gradually relaxed. (Reporter Li Changhao)