Meiji Restoration “Repulsive Public Opinion” Request for Separation of Public Prosecutor's Office Bill May 12, 18:41

Regarding the proposed amendment to the Public Prosecutor's Law that allows prosecutors to extend their retirement age, the Japan Restoration Association called on the ruling party to consider it separately from the proposed amendment to the National Civil Service Law, saying that there is strong public opposition. I conveyed the idea that I could not respond.

On the proposed amendment to the Public Prosecutor's Law, which allows prosecutors to extend their retirement age, the Chairman of the Japan Restoration Committee, the Endo Diet, met on the 12th with the chairpersons of the National Assembly and the National Assembly.

Among them, Mr. Endo demanded that the revision of the Public Prosecutor's Law be strongly discouraged from public opinion, and be discussed separately from the revision of the National Civil Service Law.

In response to this, the LDP's chairman of the Moriyama Diet Countermeasures said that he could not comply, and he continued to explain to the public his thoughts.

In addition, Mr. Endo suggested that a special committee should be set up to discuss measures against the new coronavirus after the Diet is closed, whereas Mr. Moriyama will respond during the closing examination of the Health and Labor Committee. He presented a plan and replied that the secretary-general of each party would like to discuss it before the end of the session.