• Serological investigation, Istat: there is no test requirement but citizens respond


by Tullia Fabiani 11 May 2020 Yesterday the Council of Ministers got the go-ahead to the sample survey of 150 thousand Italians. In the next few days the serological tests will begin with the first samples; a race against time to have useful data soon and find out how many people in Italy have developed antibodies to Coronavirus. "The moment is difficult, this investigation is very complex, and it is getting underway, because the sooner we finish, the better it is" says Istat central director Linda Laura Sabbadini who had "the task of directing this important survey" .

How was the work structured?
"It is a very important investigation for each of us and for the country, which we will conduct in their respective competences with the Ministry of Health. The investigation was designed together with the Technical Scientific Committee, set up at the Department of Civil Protection. With this survey we will know how many people have developed antibodies to Coronavirus. At the moment this is not known, because it may have happened that some of us have come into contact with the virus and have not noticed it as asymptomatic; or that they have had some coughing and some fever lines and they didn't think it was Coronavirus. One hundred and fifty thousand citizens in 2000 Italian municipalities will be randomly extracted with the aim of having estimates of the spread of the infection at regional level, by gender, age (6 classes), and economic activity " .

What will be the timing?
"We are all mobilized. We work tirelessly, we are all aware that it will have to be done as soon as possible. The machine has already started. The test has been selected 4 days ahead of schedule and is currently being distributed in the laboratories selected by the Regions and autonomous provinces.Now that the norm is out, Istat will transmit the extracted sample, the Ministry of Health will contact the telephone providers to get the numbers of citizens involved in the sample and then provide them to the Regions that will contact the family doctors. These will have an important role in raising awareness of their patients called to participate in the test. Once the Red Cross has received the telephone numbers from the Ministry of Health, it will start contacts to organize appointments at the sampling points. Older people or those with health problems they will be able to collect them safely at home. Citizens will be able to choose whether to participate om eno, but they must know that the more they agree to participate the more the results of the survey will be valid and useful for everyone.

Will synergy with the other institutions involved be important?
"It will have a very important role. But the synergy is already very strong. It is working together at all hours. And it is great to see that we are a single conscious team that we are doing something relevant for our country. I see an exceptional institutional sense between Ministry, Istat, Regions, Technical Scientific Committee, Red Cross. The moment is difficult, this investigation is very complex, and it is getting underway, because the sooner we finish the better. "

A few days ago, Istat data relating to mortality demonstrated the impact of the epidemic, particularly in the most affected regions. Will the investigation serve to photograph the state of the country better than the infection?
"It will be crucial. It is one thing to know if 10% have developed antibodies to the virus, it is quite another if the percentage touches 40% of those who participated in the sampling. The more the number of people with antibodies will be low, the more we will have to be careful of all measures to avoid the spread of the virus Attention: there is no perfect test We will not have individual certainty of the result, we will not be able to obtain a license, but the selected one has responded well to six quality requirements established by the experts. And so we can be more aware of what to do. And the government will also have the opportunity to make decisions with more elements of knowledge. Unfortunately, little is known about this virus. In this sense the investigation will be fundamental. It will be important to replicate it in the future. maybe on a sub-sample because we still don't know if whoever developed the antibodies keeps them over time and for how long ".

Even for Istat it is an unpublished work. How does the institution deal with this complex phase?
Istat is carrying out a real revolution within it. We have been in smart working for almost two months now. We had to revisit the investigation techniques of many surveys. We reorganized on many fronts. The reaction was across the board with a strong institutional sense. Even more on this type of investigation so complex and different from the traditional ones conducted by Istat. We put ourselves at the service of the country, everyone. I had the task of directing this important survey, but if I had not had the fundamental support of the various sectors of the Institute I would not have been able to contribute to the project as I am doing. The Minister of Health asked our President to take on this responsibility. We accepted with enthusiasm because it serves the country. It is a great challenge. We will do it, citizens and institutions together ".