The repair work on the main runway has just been completed at Rennes airport. - MRW ZEPPELINE BRETAGNE

The site will have taken more than two months to complete. Since March 1, planes had deserted Rennes airport due to major renovations to the main runway. The equipment was supposed to remain closed for a month, but the coronavirus crisis turned the whole calendar upside down. Stopped on March 16, the site resumed on April 9 and ended on Thursday.

With this refurbishment and upgrading work, Rennes / Saint-Jacques airport is now able to accommodate wide-body aircraft such as Airbus A350 or Boeing 777. In Rennes, the resumption of activity will however be progressive. Since Friday, government and medical flights can now land on the tarmac while the first air cargo operations are to take place from Monday.

Pending the flight schedule of the companies

For commercial activity on the other hand, it is much more vague. The CCI of Ille-et-Vilaine and Vinci Airports, which operate the equipment, indicate in a press release that they are working "closely with all the airlines in order to prepare the resumption of commercial passenger flights as soon as it is possible ”.

For the time closed to the public, the terminal "is able to open again as soon as the flights are reactivated". But we must now wait for the companies to detail "the flight schedule that they will put in place after the end of containment".


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  • Airline company
  • Airport
  • Deconfinement
  • Works
  • Reindeer