• Conte sees the heads of delegation, aims to close the relaunch. Gualtieri: 'Measures to simplify'


10 May 2020Some advances on the "relaunch decree" come from the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, guest of Fabio Fazio on Rai2.

"To give more help to businesses, we have decided to subscribe the balance and the advance payment of Irap," announces the minister.

For businesses "there will be non-refundable refreshment points for all businesses with up to 5 million in turnover: up to 62 thousand euros possible", which will be given to businesses "by bank transfer" by the Revenue Agency. 

"On liquidity - the minister said - we are improving, the numbers are encouraging, but we want to do more and ask for a greater commitment from the banking system".

On the cig "we made a massive intervention, we allocated resources in March to cover the whole cig for all workers. Many are taking it but a few million are not and this concerns the cig in derogation" which is a regional procedure that provides "a series of steps and it turned out to be too long. It's not good, and we asked INPS to prepare the rules that will be in the decree to speed up these procedures, "added Roberto Gualtieri to 'Che tempo che fa'.