According to an Odoxa poll published on Sunday, only 34% of French people believe that their government has been "up to the task" in the face of the crisis linked to the coronavirus pandemic. A figure much lower than their European neighbors.

Only 34% of French people believe that their government has been "up to the situation" in the face of the crisis linked to the coronavirus pandemic, a proportion far lower than that of their European neighbors, according to an Odoxa poll. The opinion study, published on Sunday, was carried out for Le Figaro and FranceInfo with a thousand French, 500 British, 500 Italians, 500 Spanish and 500 Germans.

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The French salute the attitude of their mayors more

On average, in these five countries, 51% of those questioned believe that their government has been up to the task: 63% for the British, 60% for the Germans, 50% for the Italians. Only the Spanish are more critical than the French, with 32%. Similarly, if 64% consider that "the inhabitants of their country" were up to it (74% for the United Kingdom alone), they are only 39% in France.

On the other hand, the French salute the attitude of their mayors (75%) more than their European neighbors (58% on average). While 62% of Europeans believe that their government "has taken the measure of the gravity of the situation" (72% of Germans), only 48% of French people say this.


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"The government has told the truth" for only 23 to 25% of French people

The proposals "The government told the truth to the inhabitants", "made the right decisions at the right time", "did what was necessary to equip hospitals and carers", "showed that it knew where it went "and" was clear "received 43 to 46% of approvals among European respondents, against 23 to 25% among French people only.

The Covid-19 has killed at least 279,185 people worldwide since its appearance in December in China, according to a report compiled by AFP from official sources Sunday at 11 a.m. The United States is the most bereaved country with 78,794 deaths. This is followed by the United Kingdom with 31,587 deaths, Italy (30,395), Spain (26,621) and France (26,310). Germany has 7,369 deaths as of May 9.

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Study carried out online on May 5 and 6 for France and from April 30 to May 4 for the other countries with a sample of 3,005 Europeans representative of the population of each country, according to the quota method. 1.4 point margin of error for the European average; from 1.4 to 3.1 points for the French and from 1.9 to 4.5 points for the British, Italians, Spaniards and Germans.